Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?

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Ozpin: Well your sense of humor is intact, at least. 

Y/n: Oz. That wasn't a tournament fight.

Ozpin: The display that they put on while you were unconscious was proof of that as well as what they did to Team CFVYs contenders after everything you've told us. 

I grimaced, not even wanting to know what exactly they did. If it was anything like what they did to me, then I feel for them. I cant believe that I let myself get complacent like that, and now it was costing me. I was going to get the answers out of them the first chance I get. Ozpin saw through me before I even had a chance to finish the thought. 

Ozpin: I know you want retribution after what they did to you but we mustn't throw caution to the wind. 

I tried to let the Lazarus energy out to heal my wounds. When all I managed was a puff of smoke and only a slight improvement from before, I remembered what exactly happened. 

Y/n: They injected me with something Oz. I can't use the Lazarus energy....

Ozpin: So that's why you haven't used it.... But it doesn't seem to be completely gone. Perhaps it's only a temporary effect.

Y/n: Temporary or not, they wanted me out of the way of something, we need to find out what. 

Ozpin: They have progressed to the next round of the tournament and have shown no signs of leaving. More than likely, it's going to be something regarding the colosseum itself. 

Y/n: Maybe. I'll get the answers out of them.

Ozpin: No. While the conduct was unsportsmanlike-

Y/n: Unsportsmanlike!? Oz, they jabbed me with a fucking needle and have something in the works and you want to sit back and keep going the course!?

Ozpin: No, but as of this moment, we have nothing actionable. 

Y/n: My whole schtick is acting on the things that Huntsmen wont. I-

Ozpin: Absolutely not. If you act, it will be seen as aggression and I won't be able to help you. Besides, we don't want there to be a panic here at the school. 

Y/n: Goddamnit Ozpin! I-

Before I could continue, Weiss entered the room. I wasn't surprised that she would come visit, but Ozpin and I will have to put this on hold, provided I don't do something stupid. Jurys still out on that though. Ozpin and I shared one last look, both of us not backing down. Ozpin stood up from his seat and walked to the door. 

Ozpin: Thank you for your account of what happened. I'll be sure that proper measures are taken. 

That was code that he was going to keep a eye on the situation. Ozpin excused himself and Weiss came in and sat next to the bed. I didn't want her to see me like this. It was bad enough that I fucked up the way I did. I thought that TRQS was overconfident, I just tried the same tactic twice in a row and refused to adapt when it didn't work the first time. I brought this on myself. 

I should have taken a more aggressive stance against them. If I had just stood and fought instead of trying to lure them in, I wouldn't be in here. We fought several times now. They knew what my plays were going to be, and they watched my previous fight, I'm sure. They knew just how to get me on the back foot and win because I got overconfident and complacent. It sure as hell wasn't going to happen again. 

I tried to get up but Weiss pushed me back down on the bed. 

Weiss: What do you think your doing?

Y/n: Getting up. I'm not sitting around in the infirmary all day. 

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