03: Who

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I'm one moody bitch.


"Wake up," they shake me. "Wake the fuck up!" She screeches.

My eyes shoot open and look at my little sister straight in the eyes. My shoulders immediately tensing up.

"What do you want?" I groan, my eyes still heavy with sleep. Leaning against my headboard I watch her with sleepy eyes.

Yelena elegantly walks over to the bathroom, leaning against the door frame. "I need you to turn your instagram account private or delete it." Checking her nails. "I don't want my fans to know I have a shit sister-- a sister at all."

Pulling myself out from beneath the covers I walk over to the bathroom passing her as she stands near the frame. Turning on the sink I begin to wash my face.

I turn the sink off as water continues to slowly drip down my face. The cold water now becoming warm because of my skin. I turn to look at her.

She holds out multiple one hundred dollar bills. Practically shoving it in my face.

"I don't want your money." Wiping the water dry from my face, placing the towel down. I lean against the countertop. "Yelena. We talked about this, I don't care." Pushing off of the counter I walk past her.

Feeling her eyes on the back of my head, they practically leave holes.

She scoffs. "All this money in your reach and you don't give a single fuck?" Yelena stops at my door. "Mom and dad give you so much money to spend, and what do you do? Leave it in your bank account to collect dust?"

Swiftly turning around. "I'm not money hungry nor do I need it, please leave."

"I got you here," she says, crossing her arms. "I got you here, this house, this room. My job as a model. Got you this." She waves around my room. "And here you are still in college and not doing anything. I'm a senior in high school and i'm better off." She scoffs.

I look through each piece of clothing in my closet, pushing the hangers to the side each time as I try and find something to wear. "What time is it?" I tune her out. "Hmph, this is cute."

"6 a.m." She replies. "No don't try and run away from this conversation."

I throw my shirt on the floor, the hanger creating a loud sound the moment it hits the floor which causes her to flinch.

"I am so nice to you," I poke my finger at her chest, pushing her each time. "And this is how you show me respect? Flexing how much more successful you are then me?" I give her one last poke before gripping her chin. "I may not be a model and I may not have gotten scouted. But I am taking the traditional route to becoming successful which doesn't mean I'm not successful." I push her one last time so hard she falls on the bed onto her ass.

Turning around I pick up my shirt and place it on my desk before turning back and opening the dresser in my closet to find some pants.

"Don't belittle me just because you," I continue and wave around the room. "Got this. My walk-in closet, room, and bathroom." Pulling out some light washed jeans, I slip them on. "I'm grateful that you got this. But don't be a little bitch and walk in all high and mighty. I truly am grateful but you don't deserve grateful."

I grab my shirt and slide it on before grabbing Yelena's shoulders and bringing her in front of my mirror.

Before I grab a jacket and my stuff and leave the room.

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