05: Too Much

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A movie I've seen before - Ceilings


"Sorry, Mina," Noah mumbles. "Can you wake him up?" He says from the front seat, looking over his shoulder.

I look at him and just stare. Giving him the 'Are you serious? This is your best friend and you're asking me?' Look.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

I'm about to reach over and poke him. Until I see his neck broken into an awkward backward position, his legs man-spread, and his hands flat against his side.

What in the hell is wrong with this dude? It's like some demon possessed him in his sleep. He's even twitching.

His mouth is open too.

Shaking my head I poke his gut a few times and he doesn't stir.

So I pinch him.

"AH, Jesus," he mutters, using the back of his hand to wipe the drool coming from his mouth. "Why'd you pinch me." He says tiredly, yawning and moving himself further down the seat.

I throw my hands in front of me and point toward Noah and Selena, who are ordering at the drive-thru.

"Oh." Dae mumbles. "Noah, I want some chicken nuggets- and fries." His eyes close again. "Oh and some sweet and sour sauce." He says, eyes still closed.

My expression is blank as I stare at this creature of a man. His hair was messed up and sticking up in random places.

Selena turns around and looks at me. "Babe, what do you want?"

"I'll get some fries," my head leans against the headrest. "I'm not that hungry."

"Kay, got you!"

After a long night of partying and sitting in the McDonald's drive-thru.

I'm burnt.

Gripping the bottom of my hoodie I pull it off and walk straight into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, making sure the knob is at the correct angle, making sure I have the right temperature.

I strip myself out of the rest of my clothes. Stepping into the steaming, burning, hot water.

I roll my neck, the tension unbearable, I angle my head to the side letting the boiling water replace the pain.

My migraine starts to kick in but goes away once my head realizes I'm in boiling hot water.

It started at the end of class, Selena tapping my shoulder, waking me up from my daze of staring at the floor from leaning my head against the edge of the table.

"There's a party after school," she says excitedly. Slightly spinning in her chair. She waits for me to answer. But I place my head back into my arms. "Mina." She groans.

"What," my voice bounces off the inside of my arms. "Party? Okay cool."

I don't want any new friends. I already have one. Selena.

I'm good for the year and the next year. I've already reached my limit for communicating with new people. Check.

Selena punches my shoulder pushing my body to the right.

"Come onnnn," she drags. Her palms slapped my back. "Please?"

"No, Selena," I mumble. "Go by yourself."

She tsks me. "No way."

Rolling my eyes the best I can I sigh.

"I know you're rolling your eyes." She says.

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