02: It's Raining

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Can you remember who you were

before now?


I trail behind her like a lost puppy. Scared to move out of line and yank her on my leash.

Selena turns around and waves her hand toward her, motioning for me to come up.

She looks at me and gives me a faint smile. "You gotta smile sometime, girl," she says looking forward and humming to a song. "It'd look cute on you."

Lifting my shoulders I look away. I didn't feel like doing anything today until, she, dragged me out here.

I wrap my arms around my chest and hug them close. I don't do this. This friend thing. It gives me this weird feeling. That feeling...

I let out a big breath I'd been holding and looked around as we walked through the city. It's not sunny but it's not sunny either, the skies are blue, the clouds move, and people walk.

As I keep walking, I don't pay attention to my surroundings.

"Oomph!" I huff out, my arms falling from my chest and out in front of me as I hold onto Selena. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I rub my forehead.

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Mina, girl, you gotta pay attention," She laughs, her hand reaching toward the door. "Lighten up a little, come on." She walks inside and looks over her shoulder to see if I follow and when I don't she walks back outside, grabs my arm, and pulls me in.

"A table for two please," Selena says to the host. "A window seat is fine."

My feet have a mind of its own and follow after her toward our seat.

"I'll pay," I say looking at the menu. "For my inconvenience." Looking up I meet her brown doe eyes.

Selena shakes her head as she looks down at the menu. "You're not an inconvenience," she flips the page of the menu, looking at one page than the other. "You're just a person who tends to get lost in their own world. Nothing's wrong with that."

"Whatever you say," I smile faintly. "I think I'm going to get Pad Thai with chicken." Looking up I set the menu down and wait for her.

Selena looks focused, on the menu. She bites her lips as she tries to decide what to get.

"I can't decide, what do you think is better?" She sets the menu down turning it toward me and points at her two choices. "This one or that one?" Her finger taps the both of them at the same time.

"The spicy chicken and rice."

"Okay!" She closes the menu. "I'm all set."

The waiter comes to our table and we order our food and drinks. The only thing left is to wait and talk. And I hate talking.

But I have no choice but to just do it.

"Tell me about you," I say taking a sip of my water.

Selena leans forward on the palm of her hands now looking excited. "Well, what do you want to know?" She asks. "Basic things, like birthday, fav color?"

I nod.

"Hmmm let me see," she thinks. "My birthday is January 26th. My favorite color is purple, and my lucky number is 7." Tilting her head she looks at me, her look urging me, it's your turn, her look says.

Inhaling a big breath of air I let it out before I speak. "My birthday is July 21st," I pause and she raises her eyebrows twice, a silent go! "My favorite color is cream and my favorite number is sixteen. I'm Japanese-American."

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