04: Mean

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she's all i want to be - tate mcrae


Fuck me.

I have no idea what this class is. So when I asked Mina if she knew what class this was. I really wasn't kidding.

And yeah I got slapped on the back of my head or neck but like Noah? He did me so wrong. Because why the fuck are we learning about informational systems.

"We're in the wrong class," Noah whispers, his eyes staring at the screen in front.

Now It's my turn to smack the shit out of him- when we get outside. I am so thankful that we chose the edge seats because the moment Noah and I make eye contact we quietly get up and walk out.

College students walk out all the time. Especially if it's the wrong class. But who didn't tell me that it would be so damn awkward.

As soon as the door clicks shut I whip around and smack Noah's arm, my hand creating an echo against his leather jacket in the hallway. I let go of my backpack strap use both hands and start smacking him repeatedly.

Noah uses both of his arms to cover himself, somehow, nevertheless, it isn't working.

"You" —smack— "embarrassed" —smack— "the" —smack— "shit" —smack— "out of me." I grit out.

He backs up and rubs both of his arms, his brows furrowed in as he stares at me. "I'm sorry!" He throws his hands up but immediately covers his face again when I raise my hand. "Okay, I'm sorry. I thought you were just trying to be cute or whatever." He moves his head from side to side. Giving me the eh stick your tongue out type of sass.

I blow out a puff of air. That air moved a strand of my hair that was covering the inner corner of my eye.

My hand tightens around my backpack and I begin to walk away from Noah. I start mumbling to myself as he trails behind me.

"Jesus Christ," he muttered, turning his head toward me. "You're so dramatic, you drama king."

I snap my head toward him, meeting this mother fuckers eyes. "I hate you."

He cocks his head forward and drops open his mouth. "Wowww." He dragged out as we walked to one of our trusted professor's classrooms to grab our helmets. "Hey, Oscar!" Noah says turning away his attention.

Oscar, our professor looks up. "What a surprise..." He questions. "Don't you boys have class right now?" He checks his watch.

"We don't know where it is," I speak up, placing my bag down to open a drawer to get my helmet. "They changed it last minute and gave us a different room number. The class turned out to be about informational systems." I wince.

Oscar nods and returns to whatever he was doing on his computer. "Well you guys be on your way, I'm really busy today." He looks up. "I'll catch up with you later."

"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow?" Noah asked while sliding on his bag.

"You bet."

"Let's go," I say.

Noah slides his helmet under his arm as he slings his backpack over his shoulder.

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