Chapter 12

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Wonwoo clenched he fist but controlled himself from yelling as Jungkook was already shedding silent tears beside him... "I think you didn't understood what I said, mother... Because when I said 'I am going to marry him' I wasn't seeking your validation on it... I am letting you know that SeokJin is the person I love and will marry... And it would be really appreciated if you refrain yourself from using any harsh words against him... Because I won't tolerate that" Mrs. Jeon just raised her eyebrows "but it still doesn't change the fact that he is a worthless shit and you" she pointed at jin "if you have little dignity which i highly doubt you have then simply leave as MY son is going to marry Mr. Yoon's son"SeokJin, who was also crying stood up and bowed before he started walking towards the main door... Wonwoo was fast to catch and held SeokJin's upper arm... "Babe... Are you seriously going to let her words put us apart? Are you just leaving me like this? You know na... You know that Jeonghan and Dokyeom love each other and I love you then why are you leaving?"

Jin replied in a crack voice with eyes filled with tears "because I do have dignity" but before Wonwoo could respond Mrs. Jeon again said "then why haven't you left yet?"she then shook her head "do you think we don't know the cheep drama you are playing?trying to act a victim when in reality all you are after is our property...what a typical golddigger behaviour" she responded while rolling her eyes…

Wonwoo had enough of his mother's horrible behaviour "Enough... You are crossing your limit Mrs. Jeon" he growled, making it echo in the entire house... "For once I thought you truly care and respect my feelings but I was so wrong... How can you say such nasty things to him when you don't even know anything about him? Apologise to him right now"

"Apologise with what?my slippers" she chuckled "even that worth more than his entire existence" she then crossed her arms to her chest " you are still here I see.... enjoying the free show huh?"What Mrs. Jeon didn't noticed was the hold Wonwoo's had around SeokJin's wrist... "Either you accept our relationship or..." He took a brief pause and looked straight into his mother's eyes... "I will leave this house with him"

Mrs. Jeon tisk and dramatically said "you can't do that my son....i won't be able to live without you" she then made a straight face with a raised eyebrow "you expect me to say that....look Jeon are nothing....let me remind you and you are nothing without us....if you dare to leave now i will make sure you live in hell"

But then she smiled again "but common i am not that bad of a mother am i?even after your misbehaviour I am still giving you one last chance" saying that she harshly grabbed jungkook's hand who was crying his heart out and pulled him more like dragged him and made him stood in front of Wonwoo "if you leave with that piece of shit i will send him to US in the next flight and will make sure you can never meet him case you have forgotten about the power of jeons then let me remind you once you move out i will make sure you don't get any job in your entire life time...and you Mr. Worthless chef let's see how you sustain your job"But then she gave out her best fake smile "but if you choose your brother and marry Mr. Yoon's son, then he can have a peaceful life. Your brother will stay with you and you can continue your happy life like how you did so tell me what will you choose this piece of shit or your brother?"

Wonwoo was taken back... He can't choose between the two people he love the most... He is incomplete without Jungkook and SeokJin... One is heart and another one is his soul, Wonwoo will be nothing more than a living dead body if anyone of these two gets taken away from him... "Y-you can't do that" for the first time in his life, Wonwoo has stuttered in front of this woman…Mrs. Jeon scoffed "oh my poor naive son...i most certainly can and i the choice is all yours" Wonwoo looked at her with disbelief he then looked at his father who immediately downward his head...he went to him and sat on his knees while holding his hand "please say something to know i can't live without my Kookiee.... please don't let her take away my heart from me please " never in his life Wonwoo shredded his tears for anyone but today he is crying and begging for his father's help who just kept on looking at the ground avoiding any eye contact with his son…

Wonwoo clenched his jaw... He is so ashamed to call this man as his father... "Are you seriously going to keep your mouth shut? Even now?" He asked but it was of no use... Their father never said anything and today also... He won't take a stand for his kids... Wonwoo stood up and once again he walked in between his mother and his crying boyfriend who had no idea what to do... Before Wonwoo could say something, Mrs. Jeon purposely let go of Jungkook's wrist which made the younger male to hug his brother tightly... SeokJin bit his lips and was about to walk away when Wonwoo intertwined his finger with the older... "Make a choice, Wonwoo... We don't have the whole day" Mrs. Jeon said in a voice filled with venom…All three of them were crying a was literally the worst nightmare... Wonwoo was going insane not knowing what to that's when jungkook whispered in his ear "Choose him hyung...if you leave me i can survive but if you leave him....he won't ever be able to trust anyone....i promise i will call you every single day but please don't leave him.... please " Wonwoo broke down completely... "I... I d-don't want to leave you" he whispered back... How can he let go of his baby... The brother he practically raised... For whom he can fight the world... And now, he feel so helpless…Jungkook sobbed harder "you aren't leaving me hyung...i promise to annoy you everyday with my babbling but please don't leave him alone...even if you are not with me physically still i know that you are with me...but if you marry Jeonghan hyung then it will not only ruin your life but all four of your lives please i don't do this...i won't be able to live with the guilt that because of me your life got ruined" even though he know without his Wonu hyungie he can't survive a minute but he can't be this selfish to snatch his hyung's happiness like that....for him Wonwoo and jin are practically his parents he loves and respects them the most....he can literally die for them leaving for US is nothing in front of his hyungie's happiness…

Wonwoo was about to say something but before he could, Mrs. Jeon pulled Jungkook away from the older brother... "Okay... Looks like you have made your decision... Your jacket, your phone, your shoes... Leave everything here before leaving this house... But remember that once you take a step out of the boundary of house... All the doors of this house and Jeon companies will forever be closed for you..." Mrs. Jeon said and motioned her guards to come forward but Wonwoo pulled his hand out as a sign to stop them... He removed his jacket, took his phone out, and also the shoes... Wonwoo looked at his brother... "Hyung loves you a lot, baby... He will come back for you" he said between the tears before SeokJin's hand again and left everything behind... Including his baby...

Mrs. Jeon immediately looked at Jungkook... "If you want me to not make your Hyung and his boyfriend suffer... Promise me that you will always do what I say... You can never say no to any of my decisions…" Jungkook fell on his knees while crying his heart out...he nodded and said in between his sobs  "I won't ever disobey you but please...." He joined his hands together "please don't make my hyung suffer please i beg you " he then looked at his father who again lowered his head and like always didn't say a word to them…Mrs. Jeon kneeled down in front of Jungkook and pulled him in a hug... "Shush baby... I will never do anything wrong with your hyung as long as you obey... Now, go pack your stuff... You are leaving for the USA and swallowing those tears right now" Jungkook nodded and wiped his tears before making his way towards the bedroom...

*No Proofread*

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