Chapter 7

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"Baby wear your headphones and don't come out of your room....i be there in no time" he said quickly seating's not a new their mom always yells at their dad for no good reason....and their dad always tolerate all her shit without uttering a word....even though he sometimes feel a little bad for their father but at the same time....he brings it up for himself he let her rule their company the way she wants he let's her waste millions of wons on gambling and other things.....he doesn't have any problem with's there life they can go fuck their selves he really doesn't care it's not the they ever like ever payed attention or took care of their child....after jungkook's birth they haired an nany who never took care of him.....she use to make him eat sleeping pills so that he won't cry all the time....the day Wonwoo find out about it he told his parents where his mother shrugged "untill he doesn't cry it's fine with me" he said like it's nothing….He looked at his father who kept on looking down and didn't dared to utter a word.....from that day he took his brother's full responsibility....and from then on... jungkook is Wonwoo's everything….Jungkook mumbled a small 'okay' before cutting the call…

Wonwoo looked at SeokJin with a sad smile... "Sorry, Love... Have to go... Mom and Dad are having an argument more like mom is yelling at dad... Jungkook is crying an-" Seokjin placed his hand on Wonwoo's lips before giving him a soft smile…

"Go home idiot... And text me once you reach" He kissed his beloved boyfriend's hand and nodded  "i love you" saying that they shared one last kiss....with that he left to be their with his bunny.....and not so long after he reached home and as expected that woman was still yelling at her husband for being useless....which Wonwoo doesn't know how much he agrees with it...but he does agree that this man in front of him is definitely a useless father... ignoring them he ran to his baby's room only to see he was lying on the bed fully inside the blanket while crying his heart out

"Oh my god... I can't see my Kookie... Where did he go... There is a big Kimbap roll in the middle of the bed... Should I eat it... Or let it go" He jumped on the bed and hugged his baby who was still wrapped in a blanket... "I should definitely take a bite" saying that he started rubbing his face in the blanket making eating noises…

Jungkook started giggling he got out of the bed but the moment he got out Wonwoo immediately attacked him with tickles "hyungie....stopppp" he said while laughing hard "nope... I want my Kimbap roll to stop crying right now..." he started kissing Jungkook's cheeks continuously... He loves Jungkook so much... Wonwoo literally raised his brother even when he was just a child himself... He doesn't want anything to ruin his baby's happiness... Especially not their parents... "Let's play video games" one of the many things that is common between the two brothers is their love for video games... And just like that... They kept playing games with headphones on and nothing about the outside world bothered them...

-After an year-

Wonjin's relationship is growing stronger and stronger with every changing day... However, they have kept their relationship hidden especially in college because Seokjin doesn't like dragging attention towards him…Jin was going towards his class that's when a message his phone vibrate...he received the call without even looking at the caller ID knowing how's that person is ...and without he get the chance to say 'hello' the person from other side of the call said "i misss you soo much"That make the older male chuckle softly... "But we met before coming to college, you idiot dork..." He whispered, not wanting people to hear him

"Not my fault that you are soooo loveable that both me and Kookiee miss you all 24x7" Wonwoo whined…SeokJin blushed and bit his lower lip... "You are really something" saying that he entered his classroom and noticed pictures of Jeonghan and Wonwoo all over the wall in which both of them were hugging and laughing…

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