Episode 12: Devil

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I opened my eyes confused thinking why my mother didn't wake me up. Usually she doesn't let me sleep as long as I want even on Friday and Saturday. But what confused me more was that there was no sunlight hitting my eyes.
I sat up to see I was in a bedroom.

My eyes widen realising whose bedroom it is

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My eyes widen realising whose bedroom it is. How did I came here? I looked around and saw the bedroom was empty and no sign here. I have to get out of here before he comes in otherwise.. I don't know what he will do once he sees me nor do I have any wish to know.
I stood on my feet and screamed because of the pain I felt and fell down on the bed. I hold my feet and saw that it was bandage. Then I remembered everything what happened. Shit. It's not a good time to be here.
I was about to stand up again when the door opened revealing Jungkook. My breath hitched when I saw him coming towards me. I closed my eyes thinking he might hurt me but he just hold my feet.
"I just left for 2 minutes" Jungkook said to himself and cursed himself and looked at me, "Why did you stood up? If you needed anything you could have told me"
I looked away from him and retrieve my foot from his hand.
"What am I doing here?" I asked.
"Stay on the bed. I will bring you food" Jungkook said and got up but I hold his cuff like always to stop him.
"I asked what am I doing here?"
"You are resting here and going to eat in a few seconds" Jungkook said and left making me feel dumbfounded.
"Did I really asked him what I was doing here?" I asked myself feeling stupid all of a sudden. The door opened afer a few seconds revealing Jungkook with a food tray. He walked towards me and placed the food tray on the side table. He hold my feet and before I could react he just simply put my feet on the bed while sitting beside me on the bed.
"You won't put your feet on the floor for a week" Jungkook said.
"Then how will I walk?" I asked.
"By hands" Jungkook said.
"I will carry you. You don't have to worry about that" Jungkook said as he went towards the food tray.

 You don't have to worry about that" Jungkook said as he went towards the food tray

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He took some food on the spoon and brought it towards my mouth.
"Eat" Jungkook said but I kept my mouth shut.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.
"I don't eat vegetables" I said looking disgustingly at the vegetable and rice he had on the spoon.
"That is why you have lack of vitamins and nutritions" Jungkook said.
"Eat princess. You have to eat both meat and vegetable" Jungkook said.
"I don't want to" I said.
"Things can't happen according to your wish" Jungkook said.
"Neither can it happen according to yours!" I said as I crossed my arms and looked at the other side as Jungkook chuckled seeing you stubborn.
"You are cute" Jungkook said while pinching your cheek with his free hand.
"Oiiiii" you said as you pushed his hands away, "Stop it!"
"Only if you eat" Jungkook said.
"I won't! I don't eat vegetables!" I shouted.
"But you have to princess" Jungkook said.
"I wo-"
This time when you spoke Jungkook pushed the food in your mouth but you spat it out on the ground.
"I won't!" You shouted looking at him as he signed.
"Taking care of you seems like I am taking care of a baby" Jungkook said.
"Why do you even need to take care of m-"
"You won't eat?"
"I won't"
Jungkook said as he put his hands on my stomach and tickled me making me laugh.
"S-stop" I said while kicking and pushing him but he didn't.
"Will you eat?"
"Uff- I ca-can't. I-I will vomit!" I said while twisting my body to avoid his tickles but I couldn't.
"Will you eat or not?" Jungkook asked.
"I will! I will!" You shouted as Jungkook stopped tickling you and you sat up straight.
"Don't tell me anything if I vomit on your floor later on" I said as Jungkook smiled.
"Then my floor will be blessed having something from you" Jungkook said as you gave him a disgusting look.
"It's my vomit!" I said.
"Yes. Your vomit" Jungkook said as I rolled my eyes and Jungkook took a spoonful of vegetable and rice and put it near my mouth as I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Can I eat meat first?" I asked.
"No" Jungkook said as I signed.
"Princess eat otherwise another wave of tickles will come" Jungkook said as you signed and opened your mouth and ate the thing on the spoon.
"Done! It's enough! No more!" I said as Jungkook took another spoonful of vegetable and rice.
"You have to finish it" Jungkook said.
The moment I opened my mouth he pushed the food inside my mouth. I was about to spat it out but stopped seeing his glare and I was forced to eat.
"My parents never forced me to eat" I mumbled angrily as he feed me another spoon.
"That's why you are weak" Jungkook said.
"I am not weak!" I said.
"You are not but your parents made you weak" Jungkook said.
"My parents never made me we-"
"Eat more talk less" Jungkook said while feeding me another spoon. Then he feed me the entire dish and I could eat it as I am a foodie. Even if you gave me a cooked elephant to eat I would have ate it with an average time of 20 minutes. I am not kidding though.
After finishing the meal Jungkook called his maid and the maid came and took the empty tray back.
"Can I go now?" I asked.
"This is your home"
"What?" I asked totally shocked by what he said.
"Yes from now on this is your home"
"No its not" I said.
"It is"
"No! I will not stay here! You have no right to keep me here!" I shouted while getting up.
"I have all the right to keep you here!" Jungkook shouted as he pushed you back to the bed while holding you shoulders so you won't move.
"What right do you have huh?!" I shouted but Jungkook stayed quiet because he doesn't want to let you know about the contract because it will stress you and the doctor said stress is not good for you now.
"Princess please just calm down" Jungkook said trying control his temper but you were making it hard for him.
"I won't! I want to go to my parents!" I shouted.
"You can't pri-"
"Why can't I? They are my parents! I can go to my parents whenever I want!" I shouted.
"You can't! You have to stay with me!" Jungkook shouted.
"I won't stay with you after what you did! I would never stay with a man like you!" I shouted making Jungkook reach the peak of his anger but he still controlled it for your own sake.
"Princess.. you can't go anywhere now" Jungkook said.
"You are no one to tell me that" you spat those words straight on his face.
"Please. Princess-"
"Stop calling me princess! I am not your princess!" I shouted.
"Understand me-"
"I would rather live the rest of my life with Taehyung than even try to understand you!" I said and you mentioning Taehyung's name was enough to make him lose his control.
Jungkook harshly gripped your jaw making you look at him. You regretted that you raised your voice at him but you just couldn't control yourself when he said that I have to stay with him. Who is he to say that? And even if he did say that why will I obey him? He is no one to me.
But now I half regretted all my words seeing his anger. His anger is the thing I am afraid of. In his anger he does anything he wants without thinking. I know he won't even think once before killing me if I make him angry.
"Who am I to tell you that? I am your fucking owner!" Jungkook shouted making you shock.
"Wh-What?" You asked not believing your ears.
"I own you"
"You don't"
"I do. I brought you"
"Y-you can't b-buy me" you said as your tears were already blurring your vision.
"I did princess. You parents sold you to me"
"No. They will never do that!" You shouted as Jungkook smirked and let go of your jaw before pulling out a paper from the drawer and out it in front if you.
"Read it if you don't believe me" Jungkook said as you quickly took the paper and read as your tears kept on falling.
"N-No. They won't ever do that!" You shouted looking at Jungkook as he just smirked.
"But they did princess. At the end your parents were just gold diggers" Jungkook said.
"My parents aren't gold diggers! They would never sell me for money!" I shouted.
"But they did and the proof is on your own hands" Jungkook said as you threw the papers away.
"I don't care about some damn papers! Just some papers with my parents signature can't make you my owner!" You shouted as Jungkook pulled you harshly by your neck.
"But I am princess. I own you legally" Jungkook said.
"I am a human not a thing!" You shouted while crying as Jungkook just smirked before pushing you to the bed and hovering above you.
You tried to push him but he pinned your hands with his one hand. You cried silently as his free hand touched your cheek and removed your tears.
"I won't lie... but you look beautiful when you cry.. but more beautiful when you smile" Jungkook said as you just silently cried and removed your tears. Jungkook tilt his head as you just closed your eyes.
"I can't be your owner you say?" Jungkook said and chuckled, "I will make you tell by yourself who am I to you"
Jungkook told before he went towards your neck and kissed you harshly making you gasp.
"Who am I to you?" Jungkook asked as he roughly bite your neck making you scream.
"A devil!" You shouted while crying making Jungkook smirk.
"Seems like you want more than this don't you?" Jungkook asked looking at your tearful eyes which were begging him to leave you alone.
"Please don-"
You screamed when he grind your hips with his.
Again he did that making you cry in pain.
You cried but he didn't listen. He put his hands under your pants and grabbed your thighs roughly while digging his nails in it making your thigh bleed. He didn't even need to dig his nails your skin was so soft that it became bloodshot red just by his harsh grip.
"Who am I to you?" Jungkook asked again near your ear while you just cried. You heard Jungkook's chuckle as he started moving his hand slowly in between your thighs.
"Just a few words and I will let you go princess but you are the one here begging for me" Jungkook said.
"Please let me-"
You screamed when he touched you there.
"Fuck it" Jungkook said as he started moving his hand.
You couldn't even mutter words because of the pain he was giving you. You cried and screamed but he didn't stop. You couldn't take in the pain specially when you should be resting with the wounds on your body.
You shouted but still he didnt stop. He lost himself in touching you that he could not hear your screams.
"Ple-ase st-stop Jun-gk-ook! I be-g y-ou..."
You cried but still he didn't. You couldn't handle anymore and fainted. Jungkook noticed you stop screaming and looked at you to see you fainted.
He shouted as he stopped moving his hand and let go of you while cupping your cheeks.
"Princess... hey princess.." Jungkook growled in frustration seeing you wouldn't wake up.
He remembered that how you told him that he was your owner but still he didn't stop. He hated himself that he did continued doing that even when you said what he asked for. He signed and looked at your face. He softly caressed your cheek and pecked your forehead.
"Sorry if I hurt you too much"
Jungkook told before getting off you and slowly put the blanket over you. He sat beside you while looking at your pale face. He remembered the doctor's words. 'Try to make sure that she does not faint because if she does then she will become paler which will not be good for her health'
He looked at your pale figure with guilt. He hated himself on how he could not control himself and continued doing that even when you begged him to let you go. He hated how he forced himself on you again.
A tear fell form his eyes but he quickly removed it not wanting himself to see it. He looked at your face and smiled softly through his teary eyes. He went towards your face and placed a peck on your forehead again.
"I didn't mean to hurt you princess. I never did. I promise I won't do that unless you want me to no matter how angry I am" Jungkook said and pecked your forehead one last time before going for shower as he didn't shower yesterday.
After few minutes,
Jungkook came out of the washroom and at that moment his phone rang. He wore his clothes and saw the screen which told Taehyung making him frown. He didn't know why he would call him now. Because no matter what he does he can't take you away from him he is your legal guardian.
Jungkook decided to ignore but Taehyung kept on calling and calling so he blocked him but then again the phone vibrated with the name 'Jimin'. Jungkook knew Taehyung has called him through Jimin's phone.
He signed and went to the living room not wanting to disturb you at your sleep.

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