Episode 9: Hangout

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You don't know how you said it or what made you sid it but you just didn't want to make him feel sad.
"What?" Jungkook asked being shocked by your sudden request.
You realised what you said and quickly let go of his shirt and looked for what to say.
"I-I mean.. I am still hungry and the raman was... terrible so.. I want to go somewhere and eat" I said telling myself that I really need to take lying lessons.
"Why don't you simply tell that you didn't want to feel sad?" Jungkook chuckled and said while my eyes widened.
"I-I di-"
"Why though? Didn't I hurt you? Then why would you care for me?" Jungkook asked as I asked myself that as well. Why would I care about him when he tried to do such terrible things to me? Why? I couldn't find the answer by myself as well.
"I don't care. I ju-just-"
"You are bad at lying princess so don't lie and anyways I hate lying so don't" Jungkook said as I flinch when he put his index finger on my hair. I closed my eyes when he trailed it down my lips. My breathing became unusual. Why did I ask him that? I mentally cursed myself.
"You don't know how much I want these" Jungkook said as he parted my lips with his hands. I looked at him with fear as he was closed the distance between us. I was about to move back when he put his other hand around my waist and pulled me towards him.
"And your resistance makes me more to devour you" Jungkook said as he carress my lips. He put his nose with mine and moved it left and right. A tear left my eyes. He stopped.
"If you want to go and eat somewhere then let's go" Jungkook said as he unwantedly pulled himself away from you.
You breath in a sign of relief that he didn't do anything. Jungkook put his hand on your cheek and wiped the single tear and made me look at him.
"I don't like to see you cry princess so don't dare to cry again" Jungkook said more than a threat than a request which made you gulp.
"Let's go" Jungkook said as you nodded and he sat on the driver's seat.
You signed.
'What did I get myself into?'
You thought before you went and sat beside the passenger seat.

"I can't believe I am thrown out by own friend's house!" Jin shoued for the 5th time

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"I can't believe I am thrown out by own friend's house!" Jin shoued for the 5th time.
"And I don't understand the fact that why you all brought Taehyung in my house except his!" Jimin shouted.
"Yah! We had to keep an eye on him don't we?" Jin asked.
"Then why at my house?!" Jimin shouted.
"Calm down Jimi-"
"No! I can't! When you all are shouting your heads off at my house! I want my house quiet!" Jimin shouted and went to his room.
"Does this happens whenever a person doesn't get their answer from their loved ones? I really wonder how would they react if got rejected" Jin said.
"No more that Jin. Are you sure we did the right thing by leaving that girl with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.
"He won't do anything" Yoongi said calmly.
"It was thought by us before but it didn't go as we thought" Hoseok said and it actually made sense.
"I am actually worried too. What if Jungkook.. what if he actually hurts that girl? I won't ever be able to forgive myself" Jin said.
"Your acting as if Jungkook will rape her" Yoongi said.
"Didn't the situation seem like that?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi asked.
"We were there and saw how how was forcing himself on her but still we just trusted Jungkook and left her alone with her. Are you sure Yoongi that he won't do anything to her? You saw how her neck was even bleeding due to the bites but still he didn't stop hurting her" Hoseok said.
"I am beginning to feel guilty as well" Jin said as he looked at Taehyung, "And I am sure Taehyung will kill us when he wakes up tomorrow"
"That's no doubt" Yoongi said as they all signed.
"Did we really mistreated Taehyung?" Jin asked looking at Taehyung's unconscious figure on the sofa.
"No we didn't it's just that the bitch didn't learn to appreciate us" Yoongi said as Jin glared at him.
"Yoongi I am serious" Jin said.
"Okay maybe a little" Yoongi said.
"Let's just hope everything will turn out to be fine tomorrow. That the girl will be fine, Taehyung will not kill us and Jimin won't be unnecessarily be angry with us anymore" Hoseok said.
"Yeah let's hope for that" Jin said.
"Instead of hoping can anyone tell me when we are going to held the selection" Yoongi asked.
"You are seriously worried about the selection now?" Jin asked.
"Well someone has to be worried about the hundreds of students we keep on delaying and let me inform you our match is coming soon" Yoongi said as Jin signed.
"Tomorrow is Jisoo's birthday party so we can't so the day after tomorrow I guess" Jin said as they all nodded.
"Where do you want to go?" Jungkook asked.
"Anywhere" I said.
"Where is anywhere located?" Jungkook asked.
"Do you seriously think I am joking?" I asked.
"No you to beautiful to be a joke" Jungkook said as I signed.
"Any street food area" I said.
"Why do you want street food? We can go to any restaurants" Jungkook said.
"Where is the person who just asked where I want to go?" I asked looking at him as he smiled.
"Street number?" Jungkook asked as I signed in annoyance.
"XXXX" I said as he drove there.
He is vulgar, then turns into pervert, then turns into a cutie. Like what form is the real form of him?! Or does he have a twin?! One more such events occurring I swear I will be staring a protest in school of him having a twin.
We drove in silence when we finally reached our destination. He parked the car and we both came out in a crowded food stall areas.

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