Episode 7: Is that a hickey?

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I somehow realised that I hugged him again and that in front of the entire class 10 students who already had their phones out recording it.
"Teahyung all your classmates are looking, leave me" I slowly whispered only loud enough for him to hear as he just smirked looking at the crowd before looking back at me.
"Then how about we make them more spiced up?" Taehyung asked and before I could ell anything Taehyung cupped my both cheeks with his hands.
He pulled me closer and also kept on leaning himself closer making the crowd gasp in horror, surprise, shock, confustion, jealously and hatred. I couldn't react nor push him. My body just froze seeing that this is mot one of his stupid pranks. I didn't know what to do at the moment.
I closed my eyes and also moved closer not knowng that I was going to kiss the most popular boy of the school and that too in front of a huge number of students. I felt my heart beating badly against my chest and an overwhelming feeling wrapping my entire body really eager to kiss him.
But before our lips meet I felt someone pushing Taehyung away from me. Before I could open my eyes a loud punch made everyone including me flinch.
I gasp as I witnessed the scene if front of me. Jungkook was mercilessly pushing Taehyung all over his face. I couldn't react as I completely forze at my face. Hundred of tears roamed all over my face and kept falling down my face without any kind of hesitation.
There were times where Taehyung got to punch Jungkook and make his lips bleed but Taehyung was getting hurt the most as Jungkook was way too strong, angered, prepared and above him and Taehyung was fully unprepared.
"Jeon Jungkook is beating Kim Taehyung?!" One of the girls shoued.
"I know they are enemies but why would they fight all of a sudden?!"
"Is it because of her?!"
"No way!"
"Jungkook oppa beat him and prove your love for her!"
"Taehyung oppa is the best!"
"Jungkook doesn't love her!"
"Yeah she is just a trash!"
"She is beautiful in my eyes and worth their fight"
"It's interesting to see them fighting over a simple girl"
"Jungkook is winning!"
"There is no winning or losing!"
"Says the one who will lose!"
The crowd kept on gossiping and being surprised of their actions while recording it giving the whole school to see what is happening.
I couldn't see Taehyung bleed any longer as I bend down their level and kept on pushing, hitting and begging him to stop hurting care but he didn't listen and kept on punching Taehyung without a damn care. I used my entire life's strength and finally pushed him off from Taehyung. I sat beside him while crying hysterically seeing him this much hurt.
"Tae-Tae ar-are yo-yiu alright?" I asked the most stupid thing that came inside my mind as I can clearly see him not fine as he was bleeding nonstop.
I made him sit and was about to check his wounds when a hand gripped kn my wrist tightly making me winch in pain and not letting me touch Taehyung's face. I looked up to see Jungkook holding on my wrist.
He jerked me to my feet and looked at me with a dark glaze which sent a shiver to my spine. He harshly grabbed my jaw making me cry out of pain. He pulled me so close that I can hear his breathing which made me feel like I was as if I was close to a dinosaur's face.. it looked that intimidating.
"How. Dare. You. Kiss. Him." Jungkook stated more than asked loud enough only for me to hear and kept looking at me deadlily as I kept on crying in the pain. Taehyung coughed out some blood from his face and stood up ignoring his pain.
"Leave her alone Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted while stumbing as he was not in a position to walk anymore. Jungkook just smirked hearing his order and looked at him.
"And why the fuck should I listen to you?!" Jungkook shouted as Taehyung angrily pulled Jungkook's left hand which held my jaw to release me but it angered Jungkook more.
I was about to jerk my hand from his right hand when he himself let it go and wrapped his right hand around my waist making my body collide with his as I wasn't prepared for the his sudden action.
Taehyung's eyes widen at Jungkook's action as Jungkook just kept on smirking. I tried to push Jungkook by his shoulders but it didn't move him as inch. Taehyung noticed how uncomfortable and scared I was in his arms which angered him more.
Taehyung was about to punch Jungkook but Jungkook successfully hold his hand and twisted it making him scream in pain.
"TAEHYUNG!" I cried as Jungkook pushed Taehyung to the ground before harshly grabbing my jaw again making me look at him.
"DON'T YOU EVER DARE TO SPEAK HIS FUCKING NAME FROM YOUR MOUTH YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Jungkook shouted at me so loudly which made half of the students phone fall on the ground in fear.
I stayed silent while loud sobs escaped my mouth in fear of Jungkook, pain of his harsh grip and care for Taehyung. He jerked my face more towards him hating my silence.
"NEVER STAY SILENT WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION!" Jungkook shouted making me cry more
"I TOLERATED ALL YOUR NONSENSE JUNGKOOK BUT IF YOU DARE TO LAY YOUR HANDS ON Y/N-" Taehyung said when Jungkook looked at him while his hands still layed in the same harshness on my skin.
"Or what?! What will you do?! Oh wait the question should be what can you do?!" Jungkook shouted giving extra pressure on the can word.
Taehyung went furious and was about to attack him but Jungkook was tired of him as his main point was Y/N. He shouted for his guards and two guards came out of nowhere and held him not letting Taehyung near us.
"Leave me! I SAID FUCKING LEAVE ME!" Shouted Taehyung while struggling badly to get out of the two well built men's grip but now Taehyung was not strong enough to fight them. Jungkook smirked in seeing Taehyung like this before looking at me. He aggressively jerked my face once more to make me look at him rather than Taehyung.
I looked at him in fear as he enjoyed it.
"What do you want me to do to him princess? Do you want me to punish him... or punish you?" Jungkook asked as he licked my lower lips making me cry in disgust.
"LET HER FUCKING GO JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung shouted trying his best to get out of the two gurad's grips.
"I still didn't get my answer princess..." Jungkook said ignoring Taehyunba no only looked at me as I just cried.
"Please let him go... he is bleeding... he needs to go to the doc-"
"I didn't ask anything about him" Jungkook said as he tighten his grip on my jaw more as I cried more, "I asked... whether you want him to get killed or let me... touch you?"
My body froze. What is he even asking me? Is he that disgusting enough to ask that?
"Seems like you want him dead" Jungkook said and pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed at Taehyung.
"-Kill me if you have the guts!" Taehyung shouted.
"Sure" Jungkook said and was about to shoot when I shouted.
"No leave him alone! Leave him please! I will do anything you s-ay..." I cried as Jungkook smirked and looked at me.
"That's more like it" Jungkook said.
"NO Y/N DONT GO WITH HIN FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Taehyung shouted.
"Bu-but I have a condition" I said.
"And that Is?" Jungkook asked.
"You have to get Taehyung to a doctor and get him treat his wounds" I said as Jungkook smirked.
"Sure" Jungkook said and then looked at his guards, "You heard what she said. Take him to a hospital"
The guards obeyed him in an instant and dragged Taehyung with them as he just shouted at me not to go with Jungkook.
"Well your condition is now fulfilled. Now you are going to come with me" Jungkook said as he pulled me away from the entire scene and towards his car.

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