Episode 5: Failed Proposal

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I didn't get up from the floor

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I didn't get up from the floor. I couldn't. I just sat there frozen not daring to move an inch and letting my brain progress Han's words. My breath involuntarily stopped. I even found it hard for me to blink at the moment.
He was looking for a girl? It can't be me right? There are so many girls in this school other than me. He could have been looking for someone from class 8! Or 10! It can't me class 9 and that from my section B.
He can even look for Jennie! Or ever Lisa! Jimin is friends with her so it's a possibility that he could have also looked for her? To tell her something that Jimin told? He can't look for me? Why would he even so that?
"Yah! Are you planning to start a relationship with the floor or trying to kill it by making it face with your butt" Asked Han making me come out of my thoughts as I shook my head unbelievingly at him. I stood from the floor and sat down on my chair beside him.
"Oh god! Kids these days! Just for a random girl! He made hundreds of students waiting!" Said mom.
"Well mom you can't complain about it because it's a huge thing to speak about in the school at the moment" said Han.
"What do you mean?" Asked mom while frowning her eyebrows as she stopped eating.
"Well that guy Jeon Jungkook is the one of the most popular boys in the school and is one of the richest in the world!" Han said.
"Is his father's name Junghyung right?" Asked Dad looking shocked and like he wanted the answer as no.
"Yes. How did you know?" Han asked as dad just stood up from his chair and looked at Han and me unbelievingly while we both looked back at him puzzled.
"You guys never told me that Jung hyung's second shield, Jeon Jungkook, studied at the same school as yours?!" Dad unexpectedly shouted.
"Not only Dad. His first child, Jeon Namjoon, also studied at our school but went to a university in America just yesterday for which the morning selection got delayed" said Han as Dad looked at him with an unbelievable expression.
"And you never told me" said dad.
"What si the point of 'never told me' thing? And this sudden craziness? Have you gone nuts?" Asked mom as dad shook his head while signing.
"I didn't go nuts dear, it's just the shock essay of knowing Junghyung's son! Jeon Junghyung's son! Study at the same school as my children!" Said dad.
"So who is he your friend or something?" Asked mom as dad let a dramatic sign.
"Who gets to be this much fortunate?" Asked Dad as mom rolled her eyes.
"So who is this Junghyung? If he's not your friend and I get it he is Jungcook's or Jungshook's or whatever that name is, father. But seriously what's there to be shocked about?" Asked mom.
"What is there to be shocked about?! Seriously you had no other questions to ask?! Jeon Junghyung is one of the ten richest men in the world! He owns over a hundred companies, 50 up schools, 89 hospitals, thousands of mansions and all other small monuments or things all over the world! He even owns the music company bight!" Said dad nearly shouting making us all shocked by the sudden information.
"I knew he he was rich but I never knew he was that rich!" Han shouted.
"I know! That's why I was disappointed that you never told me about his sons studying at your school" said dad.
"Honey (I ignored mom Han mimicking the word 'honey') if you knew this much about him then why didn't you know where his sons study?" Asked mom.
"They don't reveal it to the public nor let's anyone at the school reveal it because if they do then millions of people all over the world will try to join that school to be close to him" said dad.
"Oh so by luck or what he studies at the same school as our children?" Asked mom.
"Whay do you mean by luck or what?! Of course it's by luck! Everyone including me thought that his sons study in Canada or some other foreign country but his second son is still in Seoul! Studying at the same school as my children!" Dad said.
"Well dad don't get too excited because Jungkook is never friendly. He had a really cold and rude personality" said Han.
"Yeah I heard that his second child has huge anger issues too.. But.. is he a playboy?" Asked Dad as Han scoffed.
"Playboy? And that even Jeon Jungkook? That is the second thing that can never happen in this life" said Han.
"Then what did yo mean by him not coming to the selection for a girl?" Asked mom.
"That is the thing mom! He was never interested in any other girl before but yesterday he was waiting for a girl!" Han said.
"Oh god then that girl is the luckiest on the earth!" Said dad.
"What was the girl's name?" I asked after keeping quiet for long enough to retepreat my voice.
"He didnt tell it to anyone mor seemed to know it himself" said Han as I gulped.
"Who was the girl?" I asked hoping Han or anyone saw her when she came.
"I don't know, she never appeared" said Han.
"Then how can you seriously conclude that he was looking for a hire and not a girl?" I asked wanting to know that he was looking looking a boy not any girl but Han just made my heart sink more than it already did.
"He was asking people around him whether they saw a black hoodie girl or not" Han said.
"Hoodie girl?" Asked Dad as I looked up to see everyone looking at me making me gulp.
"Wh-What?" I asked.
"Y/N the hoodie girl Jungkook was looking for... Are you sure it's not you?" Asked Dad.
"What?! Dad! M-Me?! There are lots of other girls who wear hoodie to school except me! And also I wore g-green hoodie yesterday not black!" I nearly shouted due to my level of nervousness.
"Yeah, I think I remember seeing her in green hoodie yesterday" mom said while looking at the celling looking as if she was tying to remember.
'Mom I will forever be grateful for you not paying attention to anyone's clothing' I mentally said to myself.
"And even if she wore a black one there is no way that billionaire Jekn Jungkook would be waiting for a street cat like her" said Han and for the first time in my entire life I didn't feel offended at his words nor shout at him back. Instead I felt relieved.
Yes, there is no way cfor a multi billionaire person like him to wait for a small millionaire girl like me... Right?
"Yah! Don't talk to your sister like that!" Said dad as Han just hummed.
"I really wonder whoever the girl he was waiting for whether he liked her or not cause he really have no patience to wait for someone that even girl and that even for 2 hours after school" said Han.
'He waited for me for 2 hours? Stupid Y/N! Who said the girl he was waiting for was you?!' I said to myself while mentally slapping myself.
"I know! On my God! That girl is the luckiest of the luckiest!" Said dad.
"Are yo guys planning to forever talk about about that billionaire's life or go to school?" Asked mom.
"Ah! Honey they still have plenty of tim-"
"Plenty of time?! Their school starts in 10 minutes!" Shouted mom making me and Han choke on our food.
"WHAT?!" we both shouted while glancing at our watch.
"Yes! Now run!" Shoued mom as we both took our bags and started running to school.
"When I say to run doesn't mean I actually told you guys to run! You dumbheads could have used the car as you both are late!" Shoued mom looking at the door from which we disappeared and then looked back angrily at her husband, "They are late only because of you!"
"Me?! What did I do?!" Asked Dad.
"Tou wasted half an hour talking about that stupid billionaire!" Said mom.
"Yah! I am warning you! Don't call that genius billionaire a stupid billionaire because either ways he will remain a billionaire!" Said dad as mom unbelievingly shook her head.
"Like children like father" mumbled mom.
Han and I rushed to the school and gladly there was still five minutes left for the classes to start. So, without any further arguments we just departed to our school building.
I entered my building.

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