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Evelia woke up earlier than she'd planned. Her night consisted of Nala texting her and begging her to convince Heidi she was a nice person. Vanessa was already asleep by the time she'd arrived home and she thought it was best not to disturb the teenager.

"Eve?" Vanessa questioned. She'd been standing in the doorway of the kitchen trying to get the attention of the older girl.

"Sorry, I've been up for a while. Do you need me to drop you off today?" Evelia asked softly. She began to mindlessly fiddle with her phone.

"It's Saturday," Vanessa giggled. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous about the meeting today." Evelia spoke honestly. "What if she thinks I'm unprofessional because of last night?"

"Then she's a bigger idiot than Nala said." Vanessa sighed. "Today is going to be great. I can go with you if you'd like."

"No." Evelia responded quickly. "You're young, go out with your friends. Make bad decisions and don't get arrested."

The two sisters laughed. They sat in the kitchen until Evelia got a message from Heidi informing her that the meeting would have to be sooner. They agreed to meet at the flower shop.

"I'll see you later," Evelia grabbed her keys. "Don't forget, Mr.Kent requested a delivery of white roses to his wife."

"Of course." Vanessa rolled her eyes. "You'd think the woman would leave already. How many apology roses can a man buy?"

Evelia smiled. She rushed out of the house and to her car. The flower shop was only a twenty minute drive but she wanted to get there early and ensure her workers hadn't miraculously destroyed the place.

Upon arrival she was greeted by a blacked out Rolls Royce. The driver door opened and a tall well dressed man stepped out. Evelia watched as he walked around the car and opened the back door. Heidi stepped out.

"You dress pretty expensive for someone that is only going to a flower shop." Evelia smiled.

"You think I'm pretty?" Heidi countered. Evelia blushed with embarrassment.

"Evelia Bennett meet my best friend and personal guard Flynn Newton."

Evelia reached out to shake the taller man's hand. She saw a glimpse of a tattoo and immediately knew what type of guy he was.

"Nice tattoo," Evelia pointed out. "Not many people know about the ancient Sanskrit symbols."

"You know Sanskrit?" Flynn questioned.

"No, I use to date a tattoo artist who was obsessed with ancient symbols." Evelia shrugged. "Well let's get started."

Evelia, Heidi and Flynn walked into a flower crime scene. Josh swung the broom with determination while the other two employees hid with amusement.

"Joshua Hykeem Jones!" Evelia shouted. "What the hell are you doing to my flowers?"

"A leafhopper!" He exasperated.

Evelia raised her eyebrow at his tone. Josh realized his mistake and quickly apologized.

"Just clean up and next time grab something that's not going to destroy the entire place." Evelia smiled.

She continued to the back and opened her office door only to be met with an unfamiliar man.

"And who are you?" She questioned.

"Bryan Hughes-"

"I'm not interested in selling." Evelia quickly stopped him. "You sent your assistant last time and I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you-"

"Please, allow me to finish. I'm here to hire you." The man spoke charmingly. "Oh, Heidi. I didn't know you were going to be here."

"Sure you didn't." Heidi rolled her eyes. "You can go up front and make an appointment. Evelia and I have a meeting."

Without any word Flynn grabbed Bryan and escorted him out of the room. Heidi smiled and took a seat in the same chair she'd sat in the day before.

"Before we start I want to apologize for last night, Nala can be a bit too passionate-"

"No." Heidi stopped the red head woman. "I don't blame her for thinking I was the reason Summer and I failed. Although she was wrong about one thing, Summer is no saint."

"Have fun convincing her of that." Evelia laughed. "Now let's get started we are going to have a long day of planning."

Six hours later and Evelia had a four page list with detailed notes of how and where things would go. Heidi had some how found her way spread out on the little couch in the corner of the office. A knock on the door caused both women to pause their conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt but that reporter is outside." Flynn spoke to Heidi.

"A reporter?" Evelia questioned.

"Yeah, Summer really fucked me over with that stunt last night." Heidi smiled. She stood and grabbed her things. "Maybe we can finish this next week? I will have Flynn send you the details."

"No, problem." Evelia smiled back. "Nice to meet you Flynn."

Flynn gave a stiff nod before leaving the room with Heidi. Evelia spent the hour cleaning up her notes. It was closing time and Evelia knew Josh wouldn't leave until she left. Exiting her office she saw Josh sitting on the floor watching a video.

"Ready?" She asked. Josh nodded.

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