"I bet you feel uncomfortable, mom came unannounced, sorry for that."

"It's fine, I just want to start my day early, as you know I've got a lot to do, I need to pass an interview and get a space."


"So I should get my things into the car now."

"Yeah, you should, and while you do that give me a few minutes to shower." He replied watching her pull out her suitcases.

"Right time to check on it." He smiled reaching for his phone, he dropped a call.

"I hope the house is completely ready?"


She got her bags settled into the boot and decided to wait for Faruk in the car as returning to the house only gave flashbacks of her 5-minute nerve-wracking moments with his mom, so she remained outside distracting her thoughts with her favorite candy crush game till he joined her.

"Eat this." He tosses a bag to her while he buckles his seat belt.

"Was this?" She mutters taking a peek into the bag.

"You got your answer? You shouldn't start your day on an empty stomach." He smiled.

"Thanks a lot." She smiled deepening her hand into the bag to pull out freshly packed toast, she took a small bite of it.

"I will have the rest later I feel bloated right now."

"Okay, So let's get you employed." He smiled.

They hit the road and to Hanan's awe, they reached their destination just in a few minutes.

"Wow, how close is your house to the office?"

"About 10 minutes, you surprised?" He chuckled while leading the way into the building.

"Kinda, it's so trekable." She replies making her smile more evident as they are welcomed by everyone around, After all, she was with the future president.

Hanan glued her eyes around the office and couldn't help but feel happier, she hadn't felt such happiness in a while.

Crossing her fingers, Her dream job was a few minutes and steps away from being achieved.

He continued to lead the way until they got to a room filled with job applicants seated waiting for their interview.

"I'm suddenly nervous." She mutters to herself but he hears her, he gives her a light squeeze on her hand before turning to face her.

"Don't worry join the rest, I will handle everything, give me a minute." He assures her with a smile before taking his leave.

"Okay." She smiled back as she mustered courage, she approached them.

"What's making me so nervous?" She wonders.

"Is it the crowd or am I feeling intimidated by them? Of course not!" She bluffed.

She killed such fears years ago, now she is a confident woman who is certain she is going to excel and get a spot. She assures herself while she is about to take a seat, a chubby-looking lady approaches her with the secretary's ID on.

"Miss, Sorry but you have to come back tomorrow, this is the maximum number of people we're interviewing for today." The lady says to her.

"Oh, but I was told to join the queue."

"Who said so?"

"I'm the one!" Faruk announced as he walked towards them which led to whispers from every angle in the room, they must have recognized him as their boss.

"Sir, I was asked to stop receiving more applicants...

"Count her in, and Hanan join me." He says not sparing more minutes, he walks towards a door with the "Vice President" tag on it.

She followed him in without a word, though she had questions to ask.

"Sit." He ordered showing her a couch as he strolled to a mini fridge across the room.

"This your office?" She asks while observing the massive space which had everything in mostly white and black colors.

"Yeah, you like what you see?" He chuckles handing her a can of coke.

"Yeah, white as snow." She smiled.

"So, why I'm I here rather than being with the rest, or is this where the interview holds?" She asks.

"Not exactly, but this is where yours will be holding, I will take your interview myself." He smiled taking his seat opposite her.

"Why?" She chuckles as she watches him drop an envelope before her.

"I will ask a question and if I get my answer honestly you're hired."

"Just a question, is this an interview? You don't need my CV?"

"I know your qualifications and I know if I hire you I'm certain I've hired one of the best so there's no need for your CV." He smiled.

"Wow! Okay, I'm flattered, go ahead and ask your questions then." She smiled back.

He clears his throat and gives her a long stare before he asks.

"Why do you want revenge, what has Najib done to make you yearn for revenge?" He utters making her cold immediately.

"Why are you asking that when it's not related to why I'm here?"

"Last night I'd sworn to help you seek revenge because I saw the passion you had for it, so consider this the first step unless you have other plans on how to do it yourself which I can assure you is near impossible."

"I don't have any plans for now, but why do you think I can't take him down myself?"

"I can assure you a thousand times that Najib is untouchable, I'm his family, trust me, he has power, wealth, and the support of the high and mighty in the country, so do you think you can take him down yourself easily?"

"I'm nothing compared to him?" She mutters.

"It's the bitter truth, you need a strong influence to take him down which I can assure you I'll be willing to provide only if you open up because I can't help without knowing the root, or do you have anyone willing to help as well?"

"I had, not until last night Abdul threw me under the bus, he betrayed me."

"That's why you left home?"

"There's more to why I left home actually, but let's forget that, I want justice."

"I assure you justice, but what exactly was his crime?"

"Murder, three years ago...

>>> A/N
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HIS LOVE  *A Sequel to HER WORTH*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang