Your Punk (S.W)

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You, were not the regular teen. Eyebrow, and Lip piercing. You had A full sleeve of tattoos. You were walking around outside where all the cafes were and you heard a bunch of girls screaming and stood still, while you watched amused, as girls started  running to this guy.

Sammy: Hey guys calm down!

Girls: Marry me! Date me! I love you!

You: *In Head* What? Is he famous? Why the heck are those girls- Wait, hold on...Where did they come from?

Sammy: Hey you!

You: *In head* Is he talking to me?

Sammy: Girl with the piercings!!

You: *in head* (Feels face) I have piercings!

Sammy walks over to you.


Sammy: Hey.

You: H-hi.

Sammy: I like you tattoo designs.

You: They're just skulls.

Sammy: Still their really..Cute on you.

Girls: Sammy! Don't talk to that emo! She's ugly! She puts the pun in Les-Be-Honest!

Sammy: I can't belive you guys are my fans! I'm so sorry...

You: (Y/n).

Sammy: That's a beautiful name.

You: Thanks. I like your Gage's.

Sammy: Haha. Thank you.

Girls: Sammy!

Sammy: Here's my number. Call me some time.

You: Bye Sammy.

Sammy: Bye!

Hey guys. This was a short and sweet one. There will be a part 2 of you want. I'm starting to run out of Magcon ideas. I think I'm going to add the Dolan twins. Even thought they're not in Magcon. Yea. So sorry for the lack of updating! Love yah byezies! <3

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