Sexy Gym Trainor(L.P)

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You had to admit. You weren't Fat. But a little bit on the heavy side. You decide to get a personal gym trainer at Fast n fit gym. You were supposed to call xxx-xxx-xxxx to talk to your gym trainer. So you called.

«on phone»

Liam: Hello?

You: Hi! Erm I'm (Y/n). Your my new gym trainer?

Liam: Yes. So the appointment will be at 7:00 P.m because that's when the gym closses and we'll be by ourselves. No distractions.

You: Okay! Bye.

Liam: bye.

Liam: Wait!

You: hmm?

Liam: My name is Liam by the way.

You: Bye Liam.

You hang up ending the conversation. You had 25 minutes until you had to go because you were supposed to call him 2 days ago. But you kinda have been procrastinating. You argued with yourself if you should go early. You did.

« Arrives there»

You walk in to see Liam already there. Using the weight ropes(Don't know what they're called).

Liam*Panting* Oh you came 20 minutes early- is that what your wearing?

You: no. That's why I brought my gym bag.

Liam:Go change. We gotta get you started.

You go in the bathroom to change into really short tight black shorts with an "Eat Sleep Workout Repeat" crop. You walked out to see Liam make an 'O' face.

You: Take a picture. It'll last longer.

Liam: American girls. Alright well start with sit ups.

You go on the floor and he holds your feet down with his hands. You go up and your faces are almost touching. But you don't k ow it cause your eyes are closed.

Liam: 5 more...4 more...3 more....2...more..Last one..

You appended your eyes when he said "Last one" you guy's fave were almost touching. So close you could feel him breathing on you.

Liam: Do sit ups more often. I like to see your plump lips.

You start blushing uncontrollably.

You: *scoots back* What next?

Liam: My bed.

You: Oh, were doing pick-up lines aye? Okay how about this.

"Roses are Red Violets are Blue you better back up before I hurt you."

After you say that you Fake throw your fist up to his face, he flinches. After you realized that you cup cheek and you run your finger down his lips.

You: What's next? *Laughs and gets up and skips to the weights*

Liam: *Groans in fustration* (y/n)...

You just stand there and looks at the weights.

Liam:Just don't hurt yourself. They're pretty heavy.

You: I can do this. *Picks up weight well tries to pick up weight Squeals* Help!

Liam walks over to you and Scoots your hand toward the middle of the weight and puts his on the outside.

Liam: So.. You can do it?

You: Shut up!

When you said that you shifted cause you stomped your foot and you "bum" brushed against "him" since he's behind you.

He puts the weight down and still behind you he rest his hands on your hip.

You: *Blushes* H-Hey! W-what are you-

Liam: Calm down baby girl.

He slowly puts his hands in your shirt gradually slowly moving his hands up and in a matter of seconds...your shirts off.

Liam: I think I would like your shorts off (y/n).

You take your shorts off and he picks you up bridal style and takes you to the bathroom.

Liam: Welcome to the payne train station..

You: Population You and I...

Liam: Also. Don't worry baby.. It'll only take a while.

Let's just say Liam and you burned calories.... not by working out though ;)

HEYYYYY ! First-time writing fluff! How'd yah like it? Well I hoped you liked it! And the picture!! Also the roses are Red Violets are Blue thing I made up. You can use it on someone if you like. Love yah byezies!

5sos, One Direction, And MagconTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon