Your a wolf( Teen wolf Styles or Dylan o Brian)

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You had been walking in the woods thinking about how to tell styles you were a wolf. It was just too much to handle. You heard crunching noises.

You: growls Who's there?

The figure jumped out on you and it stopped. And of course. It was Scott.

Scott: Hey (y/n)!

You: Eyes go back to normal and fangs go back in

You scared the crap outta me!

Scott: I know. So, when at you going to break the news to him?

You: I just don't know. What if he'll dump me cause I'm a wolf?

Styles: Your a wolf

You: I-I'm not really... Well I wouldn't... Yes

Styles: That's amazing! Can you super kiss me?

You: If you want me to. Goes up and make out with him.

Scott: I'm guessing he's not going to dump you.

Styles: Why would I dump her? Just because she's a animal?

You: Ha. I get the pun. I see the pun in there.

Styles: I love you (y/n)

You: I love you too!

Hey guys!! Just in case your wondering why teen wolf is in here, i announced I was changing it to celebrity imagine and preferences. I'll still do what you crazy fangirls like. 5sos Magcon and 1d( Rip Zayn) I said that like he died. It's short I know I'm not expecting a lot of reads for this one. I was in the car and got bored.Anyway hope you liked it! Love yah byezies!

5sos, One Direction, And MagconWhere stories live. Discover now