Shopping & Cuddles(M.E)

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You were sitting in the bed listening to the birds chirping while Matt was sleeping next to you. You were thinking. New season New wardrobe. You were getting up to get dress and go shopping.

When Matt grabbed you by your waist and pulled you back down.

Matt:"Where you going?"

You:"Shopping where else?"

Matt:"Nooo. Stay with me and cuddle"

You:"Why won't you just come?"

Matt:"No way (y/n) I am not coming"

You:"If you come.. we can cuddle tonight"


You:"Lets go get dressed"


You guys had finished getting dressed and were off to the car. You had to admit it was a horrible car ride cause of this.

Taylor swift starts playing Matt:"I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOUU BUT I'M FEELIN" 22!"

You:"Matt you can't sing!!"
Starts singing until you got to the mall


You:"Were here come on"

You run in the store right by the sweat pants section

Matt:"What the um (y/n) why are we over here don't you like makeup and all that girl's stuff?"

You:"This is for tonight for cuddling remember?"

You guys had at least spent 3 hours at the mall you wanted to buy more but Matt said he wanted to go cuddle. I mean it was gettin kind of dark cause Matt sleeps for a long time. So you guys headed off home


You got in the shower washed your hair but in your sweat pants with a tank top and to top it all off messy bun.

Matt:"You look cute"

You: Thanks. So what movie?"

Matt: "I say The maze runner"

You: "okay"

You guys had been at the part where Gally "Dies" and you screamed


Matt: "Calm down"

Chuck dies

You: gasp "oh no"

Matt: "Are you crying?"

You: "shut up its not funny"

Matt: "Awww it's ok"

He turns off the tv so your in the dark. He wraps is left arm around you so your laying on his arm

You: "Matt you didn't have to it was just a movie"

Matt: "I know. I still just hate it when my loved one's cry"

Matt: "I just always see your smile and to see your nose get red from crying makes my heart break."

Matt:"you okay now?"

Matt:"(y/n)? (Y/n)?"

He looks down to see had fell asleep while he said the sweet things he said.

Matt: whispers "I don't know if you can here me in your dream but I love you"

GUYS I CAUGHT FEELS AT THE END!! AWWWW I JUSTAHSGHSHDHFHJEJE. Phew okay. Hoped you guys likes it leave request in my Dm box or just in comments. Love yah byezies!!

5sos, One Direction, And Magconحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن