Bonding over Rants

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Here is a page I'm going to be ranting and you guys in the comments are gonna respond back on what you think! You can agree or you can't disagree. This I just to get to know you guys on like what you opinion is.

Shipping boys with boys
I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
It's just what fangirls do. Or what writers
Do for you guys. It's just a thing to imagine.
Trust me I ship Larry and cake! Nothin wrong with that.
So my opinion...Go ahead do your thing girls!

Ehhh I mean I don't read it. It's kinda like
pornography in writing form. Hahaha I'm
sorry! Okay but I do read like fluff. Not
When they get into details. Like the
"Ohhhh"'s and the "mmmm"'s it just
Makes me feel uncomfortable. I like
It when they say like "and let's say you
Didn't go to work the next day ;)" not
Like "You guys were at your house watch in
movies and eating popcorn occasional kisses**
Yea no. If I wanted to learn I would go
To health class. Not wattpad! I'm talkin
Like imagine smut not between somebody else
But I'll Still read smut, so this was pointless.

Parents dieing
I honestly don't care THAT much but
Other people might get really sad
You could of did like their sister of brother.
People get more emotional ESPECIALLY
when it's their mom cause it's usually their
Mom. Just don't. But again this so a suggestion to
Make you readers happy.

9 year olds reading smut
Little children, If you want to read about
Candy and lollipops...Wattpad is not the place.
If you wanna read about Sexually things, positions
(You know what I mean),and drugs.. Your at the
Right place. I mean you'll get a lot of clean books.
But mostly smut. And if it isn't that. It's close to it.

I ran out of things to rant on about. Also don't take any of what I said serious. I was just bored and I didn't have an idea about what imagine so I was like " how about be a little crap and joke round about some stuff!" This is all a joke. Love yah byezies <<33 Double heart!

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