Love or hatred?( Born_To_Beat)

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You had woken up to no Zayn beside you. You just hated how he would leave with out telling you. So you decided to text him.

Where are you? -From Rheyna

At the club where fu**ing else?-From Zayn

You just hated the way he treated you. Its like you guys had a love-hate relationship.

You decided just to go to the beach. You thought if zayn can go where ever he wants i can go wherever i want. You texted Liam if he wanted to go with you.

Hey! Left me at home bored so i was wondering if you wanted to head at the beach with me?- From Rheyna

Sure. I'll pick you up in a hour and a half?-From Liam

Yep see yah then bye- from Rheyna

You packed up your stuff first bringing sunscreen,umbrella,sand blanket, and little snacks. Then you decided to get in the shower and put on you bikini. You decided not to put on any make up on cause its just gonna come off when your in the water. You were just about to catch something to eat when your heard a knock on the door.

You: Come in Liam!

Liam: Hey Rheyna! Ready to go?

You: Yea!

You guys hopped in the car and drove for about 1 1/2. When you got their you guys set up and started to talk

Liam: So whats up with you and Zayn?

You: Oh um. I don't even know. Trust me he can be a charmer sometimes but he can treat me like trash

Liam: Im so sorry love.

You: its okay

You heard your phone ring. It was Zayn callin' but you ignored it.

You: Come on Liam!

you ran into the water and screamed and ducked under to trick liam to think your drowning

Liam: RHEYNA!!

He went in the water and as soon as he walked in you grabbed his leg and pulled him under

Liam: Thats not funny Rheyna i could have been charged for your murder!

You; Yea right.

You guys had stayed until night time and just decided to leave.

On the way home(driving)

you: Thanks Liam

Liam: Your welcome Rhey anytime.

Hed had dropped-you off. You gave him a goodbye hug. You walked in your house to see ticked off Zayn.


You; I was hanging out with Liam since you decided to leave me home.

Zayn; I should be able to leave you alone in the house!!

You: Then I should be able to go any where without telling you!!!

Zayn: Don't you yell at me!

You: OR ELSE??!!

Pushes you and you fall on the floor

Zayn:Rheyna.. I-I-I'm sorry!

When he realizes what he has done he runs up to you and starts huggingand kissing you

Zayn: starts to cry i-i- i'm sorry i left you, I'm sorry I cussed at you, I'm sorry i don't treat you should be treated i-i-

You: Please don't cry. I'm sorry to.I just really love you ad I just feel like we need to spend more time together.

Zayn: Yea i agree. also Rheyna?

You: Yea?

Zayn: I love you. Please promise me we'll be togethe forever.

You: Oh zayn. starts to cry I love you and I promise.

Hope you liked it Rheyna!! Also go follow her guysher username is Born_To_Beat !!! Thanks you guys so much! Love yah byezies!!

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