Nationals trip! (Story time)

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    Okay I got my T-shirt signed by Tucker, and #57 Romark!! I freaked out! I got a wave from Wilson and saw Harper in his car! My friends were looking at his license plate number but I forgot it. My friend  mom took a picture of it! There was Mark who's eyes were really gifted! I was gonna shout out"Your eyes are cool!"

   But I felt like he would be offended cause you wouldn't do that to a person with just blue eyes or just brown eyes so I just shouted"I love you!" I'm never washing that shirt ever  again. Also there really cool( cause their were drunk)adults were going around the stadium to get people to do that wave! I started it!

  But.. Saint Mary's school it so cool! There was this guy who kept on staring at me! So I waved like" What the heck are you staring at"Not  a rude way but a "ohh  he's cute is he staring at me?" Kinda way. So when we did the wave he did it to. And half of the stadium.

I had a feeling this one lady was getting orchestrated cause I was yelling out of frustration. But harper was good at hitting home runs. It was great! They were versing miami. And of course the Nationals won! Yay! I just gotta say..... Today is the highlight of my life!!

Love yah byezies

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