35 | TREE!!

46 3 2

"Where are they?" You mutter to yourself as you sprint through the forest. You don't care if you're lost in the woods. All you care about right now is to find anyone: just anyone, either your friends or your schoolmates. You will soon find Ochako and Tsu eventually.

You felt your lungs screaming for rest and decided to stop for a bit, resting at a nearby tree with your back pressed against the bark.


A gunshot was heard not far from where you stood. Its loud noise averts your attention to it, making you tense up in fear. 'Wait, why am I scared?'

For some reason, you can't answer that question. For some reason, you hesitate to move. This isn't like this when you battled in USJ ... or Hosu ... or in your goddamn exam. So what happened? What happened to the old you?

It made you weak.


You shook your head, getting your head in the game and focusing on what was happening in front of you now. There's no time to overthink and compare yourself to your past. Just move. And so, you ran. You won't stop until you can find your classmate or at least someone.

You stopped dead in your tracks as soon as you saw a silhouette of a person. You squint your eyes to see who it is, but, "That's an odd figure." You muttered to yourself, not recognizing that person. This makes you stay alert, summoning a katana and taking a stance.

As Yao-momo carried the class 1-B student, she saw you up ahead. "[Y/N]!" She called out. You tensed up but released a breath of relief when you saw an unfamiliar student carrying Yao-momo. The odd silhouette was her and some student, and you thought it was a villain.

You ran towards her, "Yao-momo--" You cut yourself off when you saw a Nomu with an extended arm on its back behind them, ready to attack with its chainsaw arm. "-- Look out!" You shouted, summoning a giant metal dome to shield you three before the weapon could hit them. Nomu keeps using its chainsaw to scrape the dome you guys are in. You can hear it brattle against the metal shield, chilling you down to your bones.

"Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, You are granted permission to engage in combat!"

Mandalay's quirk echoed in your head. You turn to look at the student to see if he heard it and if you are not hallucinating of some kind, he nods as he fixed her support around tired Yao-momo. You suddenly hear metal that is being wrenched open; the Nomu finally scrapes the metal dome, watching as the chainsaw blade goes through.

You tsked, 'This isn't good.'.

In minutes, the monster would be able to catch you or perhaps worse. Hence, you all need to get away from it somehow or all of you will be killed. Time-pressured by the Nomu destroying the dome, you quickly turn to them. "I have a plan. I'll distract the Nomu so you guys can escape."

Finally, Yao-momo has the strength to move. She shook her head in denial, "That is a stupid plan... all of us must get out of here alive... I can help." You have a look, "No. You are gravely injured and are fighting to stay conscious!" You pointed, looking at the boy who was silently observing everything. Determination plastered in your eyes, "Get her to safety, class 1-b boy,"

"Actually, my name is Awase--"

"But I won't leave you alone." Yao-momo interrupted.

"You have to, Yao-momo. We have to prioritize the injured. WE have to prioritize your safety." You manipulate the other side of the dome, opposite where the Nomu is, to make an exit. "Now go." Yao-momo gave you a look full of worries and uncertainty before they exited the dome.

"I'll be fine." You gave her a reassuring smile before closing the exit. You know it's a lie. This Nomu is very dangerous to battle alone, but you must somehow relieve Yao-momo from her worries.

"We have discovered one of the villain's targets. It is one of the students named Kacchan! Kacchan should try to avoid combat and act independently! Do you understand, Kacchan?"

You tsked, seeing the eight-armed Nomu completely destroy the dome. 'Wait, what? It grew five more?!' Your eyes went wide on the surprise, seeing it now has four chainsaw arms, a drill, and a hammer.

Its drill arm charged at you from the open space, and you quickly jumped back to avoid its attacks and deteriorate your metal dome into nothing. Using the katana you summoned a while ago, you molded it into a scythe and took a stance.

'I don't know if my decision is stupid or heroic, but let's see how this goes.'

You then charged at the Nomu, hearing nothing but your footsteps and the Nomu's terrifying screech—the Nomu's drill charges at you as you get near. However, before it could touch you, you use the scythe to vault above the monster. Pulling the weapon from the ground while in mid-air, you strike the shoulder of the Nomu.

It screeched in pain as the blade pierced through its flesh. You smile in victory, but that doesn't last long until the monster's hammer arm punches you in the gut, sending you into the tree. You hear a crack and don't know if it's your bones or the bark. Maybe both. Blood rushed down from your head, making you close your right eyelid. This may be vital.

But you didn't care. The adrenaline rush and the thought of making this out alive prevented you from feeling hurt. You heard the engine of the chainsaw, ready to strike you.

You quickly maneuvered to the side, but the chainsaw caught a part of your leg. You screamed in pain as the blood gushed out from the big gnarly wound in your lower thigh, biting your lip after. Tasting the blood from biting too hard, you saw from your peripheral view a hammer from one of its arms coming right at your side.

You conjured a shield in time, but it was dull. The monster quickly destroyed it with its chainsaw and drill, but you managed to summon another with the same quality. You keep summoning shields as it kills them, like a game of ping pong. Up til the last resort, where the Nomu is close to you, you summoned a metal dome again. But this time, it was reinforced, unlike your shields.

It was your first time doing something like this, and you felt accomplished. However, due to pushing the limits of the side effects of conjuring things and changing from dull to sharp or reinforced quickly drains your energy, and the drawback is faster. And to top it all off, your adrenaline slows, and you can feel your aching back.

You can hear the clanks and shreds of the tools the Nomu has as your vision becomes blurry, and you are beginning to fade in and out of consciousness.

'Well, it looks like my plan to find Ochako went through the window.'

'Everything hurts.'

'I can't move my body anymore.'

'I'm tired.'

As you let your fatigue win, you close your eyes. You can't fight it anymore. As you slip out of consciousness, the metal dome you've created slowly becomes dust. Letting Nomu use its chainsaw to cut you once and for all. However, before the blade could touch you, a male scream of your name averted the monster's attention.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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