22 | Study Group

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You groaned as you compared your written answer and the contexts of your math textbook. Your equation and solution don't seem to match the one in the book.

You lay your head down on the desk with a loud thud, silently whining why you couldn't seem to get it right.

'Fuck rational inequality.'

You mentally cursed as you turned your head to the side, facing the wall, and pout. "Shouldn't you be asleep at this hour?" A sudden question perked up your ears, making you sit up instantly.

Turning your head to the source of that voice, see Shinsou sitting at your window frame. "How the fuck?" You blurt out, making the purple-haired boy chuckle at your reaction. He then jumps inside your room, walking over to your desk to see what's keeping you up all night-looking over to the crumpled papers, scribbled equations, and a math book on your desk.

While he observes the math problem in your opened book, you rush over to the window where he was. Closing the window and seeing the balcony over on the other side, you assumed he jumped from his balcony over to yours, and you inaudibly chuckled.

'He reminds me of a cat.'

"How did you know I'm still up?" You then gasped dramatically, "A stalker?!" You jokingly acted in horror, hands covering your mouth.

"No, I'm not. Don't assume." He replied, still focused on the book while taking a spare scratch paper. "The light from your room is blinding me in my city sightseeing session. It's quite annoying." He reasoned, writing something on the sheet of paper.

"City sightsee--?"

"Anyways, here's your problem." He cut you off, motioning his hands for you to move towards him. You obliged, forgetting about what you were going to query. "You forgot to move the inequality to the left, to make all the values equal to zero." He explained, showing you how with the movement of his (your) pencil. He then added some advice on computing it more straightforward than the over-complicated steps on the textbooks.

"Ohh." You reply, understanding the equation now after minutes of trying to understand what he meant. "Thanks."


The alarm blared, waking you up from your dreamless sleep. You groaned as you tried to find that stupid alarm clock. That damn Shinsou hid it somewhere in your room last night. You grumbled as you swung yourself off the bed, walking over to the source of that stupid noise. Eventually, you found the horrendous thing hidden on your desk, turned it off, and flopped your body back to bed. You were making your way over to dreamland.

As you were about to doze off, you suddenly remembered about the study session; a chill went down your spine. You bolted up from your bed and began preparing yourself. Throw random study materials in your bag, take a shower, and finally put on an outfit you think is suitable for the occasion.

It was a light blue shirt dress with a tiered skirt, over the dress was a dark blue bralette, and top it off with your infamous white sneakers. Of course, you did not forget to wear your pendant.

You turn to look at the whole body mirror near your apartment door. 'This looks fine.' You smiled to yourself while grabbing your house keys as your outfit gave you confidence.

As you were about to leave your apartment, you suddenly remembered you had left your phone in your room. You quickly ran back to your room, forgetting to remove your shoes as you went inside. 'Eh, mom is not home yet, she wouldn't notice... Right?'

As you pick up your phone from its charger, text notifications are blowing up from your lock screen. Most of them are from the Bakusquad group chat,

'Oh, fuck.'

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