20 | Side-part Boy

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The cool crisp of the wind turned colder than it was before, breezing past through your oversized shirt, chilling your chest to your torso and on your exposed legs from your shorts. But you didn't mind the cold air, heck you don't even feel it.

Inflamed from hatred makes your adrenaline ignore the cold air, clearly peeved from the boy sitting on the railings of the balcony next to yours. You turned your body so you could lean on the bars while you observed the boy. God, even the wind submitted itself to him as his lavender hair swayed along with the wind like flowers on the field.

"Wow, I haven't said anything yet, and you already assume." He said, a smirk forming on his lips as his eyes looked down on you. It gave him amusement to tease the poor 1-A student and any other 1-A student.

You raise an eyebrow in disbelief, but the boy didn't budge as he continued to push your buttons with that smirk of his. Even if there's a wall separating the two of you, he still manages to find an opportunity to get to you. You sighed in defeat; there's no point arguing with him because of what happened at the sports festival.

You remember what Edgeshot lectured you about moral discipline, how to let go of grudges, and forgiving that person, even if it's hard to do so. At least this will be the start of your training.

"Geez, even your smirk reminds me of Mr. Aizawa. Are you Sir Aizawa's secret love child or something?" You joked, completely changing the subject. His once teasing smirk turned into a deadpan look; you began to laugh once you saw the change of his facial expression.


Sitting on top of the school desk and looking at nothing in particular, you yawned. Your extroverted friend named Mina tried to let you mingle with the rest of your classmates, basically dragging you to Tsu's. In which she then chatted with your green-haired classmate, leaving you alone. Well, not entirely alone; you just zoned out of their conversion until ...

"What the heck happened to you?" You mutter, looking at Bakugou as he enters the room, revealing his neatly combed hair, which is unusual for a boy with the spikey hair of an intimidated porcupine. Discussing near you was Kirishima and Sero, who looked up from your banter, saw the boy, and started to laugh as they both went up to him.

"Stop laughing!" He barked, body shaking from what you assumed were both embarrassment and anger. But the two brave boys were stubborn enough to listen to him and continued laughing.

"My hair's gotten used to it, and it won't go back even after I wash it!" He reasoned through gritted teeth, hands clenching into fists. "Stop laughing! I'll fucking kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try, Side-part boy!" Sero teased, making Kirishima laugh.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He hollered at the same time his hair popped up back to its normal spiky hair, making the two guys laugh even more. You snicker at the scene unfolding in front of you, finding it amusing as to how his problem was solved by comically bursting out of anger.

"So you fought with villains? That's so cool!" Mina exclaimed. You avert your attention to the conversation of the (now three) girls. Hearing the word 'villain' sent a chill down your spine, reminiscing what happened back at Hosu City.

"It's not much of a big deal," Jirou said next to you, who you didn't see before. "I just helped with the evacuation and did some logical support, so I didn't do the actual fighting." She further explained, twirling her earphone jack around her finger out of habit.

"But that was still amazing, though!" Mina slammed her hands on top of Tsu's table, making you cringe as her pinky finger accidentally lifted a bit of the green fabric of your skirt.

Tedious || BNHA Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora