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NAME: [L/N] [Y/N]

GENDER: Female

QUIRK: Ferromagnetism

• Can manipulate iron and any iron-based metals such as steel, copper, and any iron-based alloys.

• Can conjure things made of iron or iron-based materials but the user will experience the drawback more than usual. Depending on the size of the said thing the user conjured.

DRAWBACKS: Iron Deficiency

• Conjuring metal things can greatly impact the user's drawback than manipulating or controlling already existing metal things.

• Exerting too much of the quirk can cause the user to feel the symptoms of iron deficiency such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, etc.

•Sleep and consumption of foods that are sources of iron can help the user replenish from the drawbacks. However, amounts of sleep and food depend on how the user overexerted the quirk.




QUIRK: Ferromagnetism

OCCUPATION: Pro hero under the hero name Kahensei

STATUS: Deceased


QUIRK: Quirkless

OCCUPATION: Civil Engineer

STATUS: Single Parent


SHORT PROLOGUE / EXTENSIVE SUMMARY (because sometimes nobody reads the story description of the cover)

Within the title of being the pro hero's daughter, she lived her days with unlimited anxiety, pressure, and insecurities. Of course, everyone is jealous of her having a pro hero as her parent, sometimes others use that kind of reputation to their advantage.

Because of what happened to her in her grade school days, she grew anxious about the people around her except for those who are close to her, and decided to be homeschooled instead. But the whole duration of her stay at her home, she became anti-social and introverted.

The death of her father became worse for her mental health. Every day she saw the purpose of the world as dull and mundane. Believing every person has their own tedious schedule to follow until their inevitable death.

However, she figured that in order to avenge her father and make him happy is to fulfill his wish before his death: his own daughter to enroll in a hero school. Preferably in U.A.

And so, the life she knew as dull and tedious is changing day by day once she enrolled in U.A., bringing color into her murky life. She doesn't know whether this new perspective is good or bad, "but this new experience doesn't hurt, right?"

[Enjoy and happy reading, my beautiful readers.]

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