Chapter 27 | The wedding

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The next few weeks were spent on Henrietta's wedding preparations. William would come to lend them a hand or two. Cathy had to hide 'his love mark' using a muffler. He would frequently tease her about it, earning himself a slap on his shoulder or a furiously red face of his lover.

And finally through all the hustle, came the day, when her sister would be married off to her love. Cathy had spent the majority of the morning, dreading. She couldn't believe that the next day, she would have to wake up without her sister in the house. She had always imagined that she would be married someday, but she had never really imagined the loneliness that would come along with it.

Mrs Dudley barged into her room. "Help Henrietta with her dress. Make sure she looks the most beautiful bride."
Cathy nodded obidiently. She knocked on her door.
"Come in."
She stood their in awe as she saw her sister wearing her wedding gown. "Henrietta...."
She placed herself towards her and brushed her cheeks softly. "You look stunning." She was on the verge of tearing up. She hadn't realised that her sister had really grown up, untill now.
"Cathy, do not cry now. Or else, I wouldn't want to get married."
"No. Don't say that." She brushed the piece of hair behind her ear. "You are marrying the person you love. And that too a rich business with values and manners. Not everyone is that lucky."
"I am afraid. What if I mess up? What if I falter during the vows."
"Henrietta, that would be your moment. Imagine it's just you and Mr Cavendish. Words would flow out automatically."

She braided her luscious, brown locks into a beautiful updo. She attached some small white flowers as well to accentuate her hair. She smiled as she looked at her reflection. "Mr Cavendish will not be able to take his eyes off me," she exclaimed.
"Isn't that the plan?"
The two burst into fits of laughter. As she pinned the veil on her head she thought if the laughter was their last before she went away forever. It was too difficult for her, to imagine the house without her. The fear of being left alone resurfaced her heart again.

"Cathy, do you think I'll make a good wife?"
"Henrietta, learn to believe in yourself first. You are a smart girl. You will make a pretty good wife."
She kissed her cheek. "Thank you. I needed this."
"Now, take a deep breath in. The ceremony would be commencing soon."


Mr. Cavendish was wearing a black tweed suit and a white shirt, paired with his black trousers. He looked quite fashionable, a gold chain dangling from one end of his pocket to the other, adding a little statement to his attire. He was accompanied by some of his friends, his brother being the best man.
"I am so proud of you brother." His brother gave a proud pat on his back.
"The truth is I am so nervous. I might fuck up with my vows." He earned a soft chuckle from his brother. 
"I have never seen you falter in your whole life. Calm down. It's going to be alright."
"You don't get's not like that. What if I pass out after seeing her?"
"You know what? I am going to join my friends. All these romantic talks coming from you... it is making me nauseous."
He slapped his little brother's shoulder. "I made you my best man for a reason."
"Go drink some water.  It might help you with your anxiety."

He went towards the food table and poured himself a glass of water. He chugged it down and waited for his breathing to become steady.
"It's so nice to see you Mr Cavendish."
He turned around only to see a certain tall man with dirty blonde hair, greeting him. "Oh Mr Benwick! It's a pleasure to have your company again."
"So, why are you standing here alone? Shouldn't you be inside the church?"
"I am nervous. I don't know how I would keep my cool in front of her."
William smiled teasingly. "Well, I can see someone totally lost in love."
He tried to hide his red face by 'trying' to adjust the golden chain.
"Just a small suggestion. Let the things happen. You don't have to plan it out in advance."
"But that is what is scaring me the most. I don't know what is lying ahead."
"Exactly. That is the plan."

Loving YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora