Chapter 33 | Loving you

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"William, have you eaten your breakfast?"
"Gretta, don't annoy me. I don't want to eat."

Gretta frowned. She had been worried about him. He hadn't eaten properly yesterday. He was able to walk now, but his recovery was being hindered due to the lack of nourishment. "William, this won't help us in finding her. What would happen if we find a lead to this case? How will you run if you keep on skipping meals?"

He was not listening to her. It had been five days since she was missing. Many things could have happened between these five days. She could have broke free from the captivity, or, the worst, she could have been killed. He ruled out the later probability. Fear had leashed itself into him. "Gretta, do you think Cathy is alive?" He had gathered a lot of courage to ask that question.

Gretta's eyes didn't show any signs of hope. "William I would be happy if she is alive. I pray that she is. But I can't help but think of the worse. James has called for May, but she doesn't intend on listening to us. Lord Fredrick says that she has been traumatised since she got the news of this incident." She could sense William's lack of attention to what she was saying. "William," she whined. "Look here. It's alright. I know she will be fine. Throughout her life, she has been a fighter.

"I know she's alive." He forced a smile on his disshleved face, like a boat nearing a great storm without being aware of it. "Did James get any information from the officers?"

Gretta shook her head in the negative. "William, I don't know what to do? The officers have grown impatient with their searches and some of them have been slacking. Most of them believe that she's already-"

"No! They couldn't find her body, if at all, she was dead. So she isn't. I know she wouldn't die. You said that she's a fighter." He got up and grabbed his coat.

"Where do you think you are going," shouted Gretta. "You can't leave unless you are fully recovered. And you haven't eaten your breakfast."

"Gretta, I know that you are worried about me. But how can I be at peace when I don't even know if she has eaten or not? And I cannot just sit and wait for news to come." Rage bubbles through his words as he slammed his table. "I can't just sit and do nothing!"

He stomped downstairs where James was feeding Mary. He stood up as he saw him descend. "William, you are supposed to be taking rest. Why are you here?"

"James, I don't want to waste my time. It has already been four days since she had been missing. And i cannot just sit and wait, without doing anything. I'll go and look for her."

"And how do you intend to do so? Have you even thought about a plan? Where do you want to begin with?"

He seemed to be thinking. He was right. He didn't really have a plan. He sighed and broke into tears. "What do I do James?  I can't think of anything." He hit the wall, causing his hand to bleed. But he didn't even flinch. "I will kill whoever is involved in this."

"Will! Stop it!" He quickly grabbed his friend's hand and poured some water on top. He grabbed a clean towel and pressed it on the wound. "Get a grip of yourself. Harming yourself won't help you! We are trying, alright?"

Mary who was looking at the two men fight, heard the doorbell. She tried to draw her father's attention by tugging at his pants, but he didn't budge. She went to see for herself. But she was too short to open the door. She went back to them, and this time, she drew William's attention.

"I am sorry Mary. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I am sorry for scaring you. Maybe, you are right James. I should calm down."

"Uncle William, the doorbell. It rang."

Huh? I didn't hear it." He quickly went to check who it might be.
"Bob!" Standing in front of him was the driver whom he had befriended in Galaw and who had helped him a lot. He looked worried and was panting. "What is the matter. You look-"

Loving YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin