Chapter 22 | Facing the past

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The building was inhabitable. The posterior part of the building had already her memories. She looked around only to realize that she was surrounded by empty, abandoned buildings.
Maybe, she should have actually thought of booking a hotel room for herself tonight. There was no one around to even help her with the directions. Perhaps, she should have asked the driver to take her to a hotel. The empty lanes looked eerily familiar to her. She remembered playing hopscotch with some of the neighbouring kids. Opposite to her old house stood another house, which was quite small as compared to hers. She clearly remember that an old lady resided there along with her little daughter. The two were friends and the lady would make cookies for her.

Luckily, a man was passing through the road. She shouted at him. "Can you tell me where the nearest hotel is."

He looked at her with disbelief. "Madam. There are only a few hotels in this town. I am surprised that you, out of all places, chose to visit Galaw. That too at such an ungodly hour."

"Well, happen to be an old citizen. Nostalgia pulled me towards this town."

"Well, I have to compliment your nostalgia and luck. I was going towards the hotel only. You would like to follow me."

She nodded and followed him like an obedient child. He was quite aged... probably in his late forties. He had a round belly, white moustache and was wearing a white hat. He was donning a white shirt and a pair of grey pants. The top two buttons were missing and the pant was secured with a belt below his round belly. "Well, did you leave due to the scarcity?"

"No sir. I left more than a decade ago. And, I was not expecting this condition of Galaw. Did the people never return after the scarcity?"

He let out a sigh. "They settled in the outskirts of the big towns. They never came back. Who would want to come back when they are assured that they would get a full meal at least once a day? While here, everything is uncertain. But due to the the decrease in population, it is alright now."

She looked at the broken ruins standing on the sides of the road. "This part seems to be less frequented."

"People want to stay away from this part. They say that this is the unluckiest part of the town. Many losses happened here. Deaths, accidents, fights. Most of them took place here."

She winced at the mention of fights. "Why would they fight amongst themselves?"

"As I said, food, water, shelter. Everything was scarce. It narrowed down to the survival of the fitest."

She did not ask anything further. She followed him quietly, analyizing her surroundings. She knew the places but it was all hazy. After a few more minutes of walking, they reached the hotel. It was better than the surrounding buildings but not the best. "Thank you sir for directing me."

"Welcome. Only a few people visit this place. So it was my duty as an old citizen to help a fellow citizen. Welcome to Galaw."
She produced five nickel coins but he declined. "Here, food and water is more precious than these. And I don't need it. I am happy with what I have."

Yes, he was a true citizen of Galaw. It was the very spirit of Galaw she had always remembered...which was ingrained in her blood. The act of kindness without expecting anything. "You make me proud for being a citizen a Galaw. What is your name Sir?"

"We are who we are. And I am sorry, I didn't introduce myself to you. I am Douglas Sham. Nice to have your company."

"Good morning Mr Sham. I am Catherine Shaw."

The old man's eyes opened wide. "Catherine? Catherine Shaw. You are Catherine? Daughter of Mrs Margaret? You are alive?"

She looked at him with curiosity. She immediately engulfed him with questions. "You knew my mother?" He nodded. "Why are you so surprised. What did you know about her...about me?"

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