Chapter 26 | A new year like no other

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Cathy had spent hours thinking about the kiss and him. The replay of the scene would always make her toes curl and make her ache with desire for him.

"Cathy, did you forget-"
Henrietta was startled as Cathy jumped in shock by her sudden intrusion. "Oh it's you."

Henrietta took a seat beside her. "Did you forget to bring the vegetables?"
"Well, I didn't go to the market. I have been busy." She tried to control the smile that was forming on her face.
"Cathy, are you alright? You are sweating. Is it a fever?"
"No Henrietta, I am alright. I have been outside for a long time. Maybe it's due to the cold. Nothing else. Don't worry."
"Well, the reason I came here is to tell you that we have got an invitation from Mr Cavendish, inviting us to spend the New Year and celebrate with them. How wonderful! You need not go to buy groceries."

She pulled Henrietta into a hug. "I sometimes forget that you are about to be married. Never forget me."
Henrietta patted her back. "I won't. How can I forget you?"
"People say that a person changes after marriage. I know that you won't change but I still can't stop myself from being fearful."
"You need to rest. Could you even come to Mr Cavendish's house?"
Cathy chuckled. "Even if I was fine, I wouldn't. Rather, I couldn't. It is my turn of duty at the church today."
Henrietta groaned. "You and your church duties don't find any other time."
"Enjoy yourself. Do tell me about his house."

Henrietta was a little happy about Cathy's change of attitude. It was a positive change. Ever since her return from Galaw, she has been changing for the better. She was no longer the sad Cathy she had known.


Cathy was writing a poem when she heard something knock off at her window. She got up to look and saw that it was Charles. He was throwing stones at her window to get her attention. She quickly went down to the lawn.
"What is it Charles? Why are you calling me? That too, like this?"

He took her towards the shed. Near the exit, a puppy was lying. She gasped. It seemed unconscious. She quickly picked it up and moved it inside the shed.
She grabbed the bucket and tried to pry open its mouth to feed it some water. Then she gently rubbed its dorsal area. It was whining but she was relieved. At least it had regained its consciousness.
"Charles, take care of him. I'll go, grab some food." He nodded and waited for her as she brought a plate full of food.
She kept it beside it. She filled the bowl with some water and wrapped it in her shawl.
"The cold has acted in it. Some proper, food, care, rest and shelter- and it would be running around pretty soon."
But Aunt won't let them keep the dog. And she wouldn't be wrong in her decision. They could hardly feed themselves. Adding a dog to it would mean more worry.
"I'll search for a shelter for him. Alright Charles?" He saw him look at it sadly. "Hey, it's alright. I'll take care of it. We can keep it tonight. I'll take care of it while you all are at the Cavendish's house."
His face lightened up with the information. He ran outside in joy.

She knew that William might have some space in his stable for the dog. Their shed was so small that the dog might die out of suffocation, so his stable was the best option.
She rang the bell rapidly. The door was opened by none other than him.
"Cathy!" His excitement turned into worry as his eyes travelled to the dog she was carrying.
"Do you have some space in your stable, for this little creature. It is too weak to even breathe. My shed is too small for it-"
"It's alright. I understand." He quickly went to his stable while she followed her. He kept the dog on a pile of hay. His stable was warm enough to keep the dog alive. "I'll make sure that Heath takes care of him." From what she had learnt, Heath was his stable boy.

Cathy stroked the dog one last time before getting up. She thanked him for helping her in her distress. But what happened next surpriseed her. He yanked her by her hand and pulled her into a hug. "I have missed you." He sounded as if he was on the verge of crying.

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