Chapter 19 | The Ball- 3

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May had gone to the upper quarters of the hall to meet Gretta. She had scanned the hall, but couldn't find her there. So, the quarters were the only hope she had. Luckily, there she was, sitting and sipping on a glass of exquisite wine.

She plopped herself in front of her and banged in the table to grab her attention as well as to show her frustration. This caused Gretta to almost drop her glass. "Calm down May. What is the problem?"

She almost burst at that question. "Problem? You ask me about my problem yet you are the one who has harboured the problem."
This made her drown in confusion. "May, it would be really kind of you if you elaborate yourself. I don't have all day to decipher you."

She banged on the table again. "That girl. What was her name again. Cathy? Right. Cathy."
"What about her?"
"Can't you see? Are you blind? That lass is trying to lure my William away from me. I was supposed to be his partner tonight. Yet she's the one who got to share the same carriage with him. Let alone the carriage, she got to have his first two dances as well."

Gretta sighed. She knew this was coming. "You'll have to understand this. William is a grown man. He is even older than me. He knows what he wants in his life. He knows it better than us all. You can't just force yourself-"

She was rudely interupted by May. "Force myself. Why would I have to force myself on him when we are made for one another. It's just that, this girl is getting in between us. You know how much I love him."

"Well, I am sorry to say this. You are my friend and i have always been a well-wisher to you. I have always supported you. But your love for William isn't love. It's a greed, a competition, an obssession."

"Love is supposed to be like that. You don't know anything about it. You all are stupid. I'll have to take things in my hands." She left the room and banged the door shut causing Gretta to flinch. She took another sip of the wine. She knew there was no way she could have been able to stop her.

Meanwhile, Cathy was busy talking to her younger sister about the cookies. Even the most famous chef's cookies seemed dull in comparison to hers. "There's so much sugar," whispered Henrietta.
"And it tastes bitter at the edges."

"Good evening Catherine Shaw."
The voice belonged to none other than May. She was quite surprised at the tone of formality and quite happy that she regarded him at last.
"Good evening Miss May. You look pretty tonight."

Henrietta excused herself as Mr Cavendish came to take her. May turned towards her and took a seat. "Are you enjoying yourself? I hope you are."

"Yes I am. And this is my debut as well." She took a sip of water and dusted her hands with her handkerchief.
"Oh, how does it feel to debut with William and being her first dance?" May took a glass from the table and chucked some wine. "Of course, it would feel great."
Cathy felt a slight tinge on her cheeks. "Well, it isn't like that. I am just really hreatful to him. He has made it possible for me to attend such an auspicious ball and enjoy Christmas this year."

May gave her a fake smile. "Well, I am so happy for your, but you know, a lot of rumour has already been spreading about you two. And I don't think that he would be happy to hear them."

Cathy was shocked. "What? What kind of rumours?"
May let out a sigh. "They are calling you names, saying that you are his bedmate."
This time anger flashed on her face. She got up and banged on the table, grabbing the attention of the ladies gathered around her.
"See, I need to make this clear to you and to all of them. I am no harlot. I have my own dignity. Dancing with someone does not rob me of it. And I would like it if you tell me who is the origin of such a foolish rumour."

Her sudden outburst made her cautious. "Calm down Catherine. It's just a rumour, you can simply ignore-"

"Ignore? Someone is putting my dignity on stake. I shouldn't have been here in the first place." She placed towards the direction of her uncle. He was talking with Jack and some other old men, probably his old friends or colleagues.

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