Chapter 28 | Fake apologies and what not

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It has been more than two weeks since Henrietta had been married. Mr Dudley seemed to be a little sad. He missed her. But she used to send them letters whenever she got the opportunity to do so. Mrs Dudley had gained a higher status among her friends. After all her daughter married a rich businessman like Mr Cavendish. Only a few girls had that kind of luck.

"Uncle, would you like some tea."
"Yeah I think I would need that. The house seems so empty now. Maybe I should go and play a little with Charles."

The Dudley couple had conceived Charles when Mrs Dudley was thirty three and Mr Dudley was forty one years old. That had got the whole neighborhood buzzing for a couple of weeks.
She was happy that their attention had turned to the little kid. After all these years, he was the only one who was missing out on love and true care. He was a child after all. Neglect can make the most beautiful bird into a wild predator. He did not want that to happen with him.
She knew that her uncle loved him. The problem was with Mrs Dudley. She had a tendency of handing him over to her rather than taking care of him herself.

She heard the doorbell ring. She quickly rubbed her flour covered hands on her apron and opened the door. "Oh William! What a pleasant surprise. Come in."

She made him sit at the empty dining table. "Sorry, the house is a little messy," she said, as he put the scattered clothes into the basket.

"You don't have to work yourself up. I wanted to have a talk with Mr Dudley. I thought that it might help me in the future."
Cathy clearly understood what he was trying to imply. "Trying to lure my uncle," she said teasingly.
"The things I have to do for you," he sighed.

He got up and leaned in for a quick peck on her lips.
"William! Not her. What if my uncle sees?"
"You do love it my dear."

"Who's it dear?" The two jumped in shock at the sudden intrusion of Mr Dudley. "Oh! Mr. Benwick. Please have a seat." He quickly scanned the room. "Cathy, please take out that basket and prepare some tea for our lovely guest."
"William!" Charles came running downstairs and hugged his leg. "How's Snow?"

He ruffled through his hair. "Snow is fine. He's in my stable, probably having a little chit chat with the horses. You may visit him tomorrow."
"Thank you William."
"Anything for you Mr Charles."

"So, what brings you to a poor man's home like me, Mr Benwick?"
"Mr Dudley. I just wanted to have a conversation with you along with a warm cup of tea. It has been a long time since I had a nice conversation with you."

He was not lying. He was a lonely man as well. Who would want to live in that big mansion alone? That made her realise, how the richest of all couldn't always be happy.


"I don't support Mr Wright's vision. Torture isn't the answer. It never was. Kicking the empty stomachs of the poor is nothing but a sin. Jesus had taught us to live in harmony. I don't think that sinners like him should be allowed to rule us."
"I couldn't agree any less with you Mr Benwick. Such monsters rule over us, exploiting the resources, threatening us with arms...they deserve to go in hell. I have seen so much violence in my life. I just want it all to end."
"Mr Dudley. I would like it if you call me by my name. I am younger than you. I am the one who should be showing respect to you."

Mr Dudley gave him a smile. "I always knew you were a man with staunch virtues. Anyone would be lucky to have the company of a person as witful and virtuous as you."

"Mr Dudley. Being an elder and a former soldier in the war, I must be the one who should be grateful that you even considered talking to me. Throughout my life, I have never met a person who'd treat me like a normal person rather than some rich man, except for you. I have never received so much love and prayers from anyone except for the Dudleys."

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