She will be loved (Maroon5)

Start from the beginning

"Do you have any shot glasses?"

"That's brilliant! See, not just beauty, but brains too!" Jensen exclaimed, going off to grab the shot glasses and a lighter.

Macgyvering his new candleholders, he brought them to the table, while Willow dished up.

Coming to help her, he asked," What can I do to help?"

"Uhm, can you grab the salad dressing from the fridge please, and whatever you want to drink? I'll have a glass of milk please."

"Coming right up. Do you need help taking that to the table?"

No, I got it, but hurry up, before the food gets cold." Willow says waddling off.

Jensen quickly grabbed the dressing, and the bottle of milk, and made his way to the table.

Placing the dressing down, he held up the bottle of milk and proceeded to hold it like a bottle of wine. Putting on a french accent, he then turned to Willow.

"Madam, for your drinking pleasure tonight, may I present to you, the house's finest year of juice du mooooo."

Getting the reaction he wanted, he waiting for Willow to stop laughing and then proceeded to pour a little into her glass.

"Would Madam like to taste?"

"Oui, merci beaucoup."
(Yes, thank you very much.) Willow answered back, and took a sip, swished it around her mouth and then swallowed.

"Oui, it will do, garcon"
(Yes, it will do, waiter )

"Bon appetit, Madam." Jensen answered, and filled up both, her and his glass.

"You not going to have a beer?"

"Nah, milk sounds quite nice. And I should drink more, for the bones you know?" Jensen answered back , flexing his bicep.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Just love me! That's all you can do really."

"Luckily for you, I already do."

"Good thing, really, otherwise I would be the only one in love."

"Come on, no chick flick moments. Let's eat."

"What is the world coming to? Using my own lines against me!" Jensen rebuked, picking up his knife and fork and digging in.

"Fucking hell, this is amazing! What spice did you put on the chicken?"

"Uhm, chicken spice?"

"Really, just chicken spice. Let me guess, the potatoes have potato spice then?"

"No. I used chip spice." Willow answered back , sticking out her tongue.

"Careful! You know what happens to stuck out tongues right?"

"What, they get hot sauce?"Willow asked confused.

"No, they get sucked on." Jensen answered back smugly.

"Oh that was just bad! I'm now picturing a tongue been sucked on like a popsicle."

"A popsicle?"

"Don't ask."

" I think it's safer if I don't. Would you like some music on?"

"Yes, please. Something soft."

Grabbing his phone, Jensen quickly opened Spotify and selected a love songs playlist.

An hour later, found the two lovebirds, finishing up putting the food away and packing the dishwasher, while singing along to Maroon 5's This love.

Closing the fridge, Jensen turned to find Willow swaying to the song.

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