6.3 - Harm

503 9 34

TW - self harm, suicide

*Charlie's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Nick staring at me with tears in his eyes. 

C - Nick?

N - ...

He wasn't breathing and was looking into my eyes with such fear. 

C - Nick, just breathe. Breathe with me. In through your nose and out through your mouth.

He followed my every move and regained his thoughts. He gently took my hand but I was too weak to hold his. I then looked around, analyzing where I was. Of course, I was in the hospital and, unfortunately, I remembered everything of why I was in here. I started sobbing uncontrollably. 

N - Hey, it's okay. I'm here now.

C - I'm so sorry, Nick. I didn't want to leave you but it was just too much. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Tears were streaming down my face when he grabbed me in a hug. Tori was on the other side of my bed, also crying.

N - Char, please don't be sorry. I'm here now. I will always be here, even when you feel like you're alone in this. I need you in this world, more than anything or anyone else. I love you.

C - I love you too. 

I cried even more to the sound of those words. How could someone love me so much? How could someone even love me?

A few seconds later, my mom came in the room followed by the doctor. 

C - Get her out of here. Please, just get her out of here!

The second I saw my mom's face, anger flooded my entire body. I didn't want anything to do with her anymore and the fact that she had the audacity to even show up here got me even more upset. 

Doctor - Ms. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Mr. Spring needs to relax to recover and I feel like your presence is not quite helping with that. 

Mom - But he is my son and I want to be there for him. 

C - I'm sorry, you want to be here for me?! And where have you been all these years when I needed you mom? Huh? Where were you when I started eating less? And where were you when I was getting bullied and needed your support? And where were you when I felt so terrible in my own body that I felt like I needed to hurt myself? Tell me mom!

Doctor - Okay, that's enough. Ms. please step out. A social worker will be with you shortly.

My mom got out and so did the doctor. I was no longer sad and exhausted, I was now bursting with rage and devastated. I looked over to Nick, who looked as frightened as if he saw a ghost. He squeezed my hand and gently smiled.

My mom had to go through a bunch of questions asked by the social worker

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My mom had to go through a bunch of questions asked by the social worker. That's what happens when people my age attempt suicide... Parents get interrogated to see what life at home is. The doctor came back in a couple of minutes later. He glanced over to Tori, then to Nick, and finally to me. 

Doctor - Charlie, we would like to keep you a few more hours to make sure your vitals are stable. You did lose a lot of blood and you're going to have to heal. I'm gonna have to place you in a mental hospital for a couple of weeks and I'm sure-

I cut him off.

C - No, please. You can't send me there. It's just gonna make me feel even worse. Please.

I let out a few more tears, terrified by the idea of being away from Nick and Tori.

Doctor - I'm sorry but there's no way I'm letting you go back to your house after what I just witnessed between you and your mother. There is no way that it would be safe for you and your health. 

I looked over to Nick and back to the doctor.

C - What if I went to live at his place for a couple weeks, the time that it settles down? I need him close to me and I can't get placed somewhere where I would see my sister only once a week. Please, I would take the time to heal and I could be surrounded by the two most important people in my life. I'm begging you.

The doctor turns to Nick again searching for confirmation on his side.

N - I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind, sir. And I will take care of him.

Doctor - Okay, I'll go sign some paperwork for you to send to your school. No school for at least a week and if ever you still don't feel ready to go, give me a call and I'll get stuff arranged. You need to relax and take it easy, nothing stressful or demanding. And if ever your health gets worse, you will be placed in a mental hospital. Understood?

C - Yes, thank you so much.

I looked over to Nick and melted in his arms. 

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