2.1 - Worry

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TW: abusive relationship, violence

*Charlie's POV*

I woke up in panic, sweating, breathing heavily, exhausted. The night before didn't seem real, it just felt like a dream, or more like a nightmare. But the the swelling on the right side my face was definitely still there. A small bruise was developing right under my eye. My whole face was burning. Everything was hurting, but not a single physical bruise could be more painful then the bruises Ben had left me inside my head last night.

I slept maybe two or three hours, always woken up the second I fell asleep by the image of Ben's face, especially that little grin he had enjoying every second of it. The torture and pain he was putting me through was enough to make him satisfied.

I didn't know if I was supposed to go to school or not. I was terrified but I couldn't stay locked in my room any longer. Seeing Tao and Isaac would definitely make me feel a little better. So I got dressed and put some ice on my face to try to put down some of the swelling. I grabbed my bag and headed to school. 

The second I got off the bus, I saw Ben and his friends sitting at the picnic table in front of the school. I froze for while, spaced out for a couple minutes, before I got back to earth by the sound of Nick's voice.

N - Hi.

C - Hi. 

I looked behind him only to realize that Ben was staring at me. I looked back at Nick. He was awkwardly standing in front of me with a look of fear in his eyes. He just looked at me for a while and got out of my way.

N - Sorry, I don't know what got into me. I just wanted to say hi.

C - Oh-

N - Are you okay though? You look a little... tired.

C - I'm fine thanks. I'll see you in form!

N - Yeah, see you there.

Did I look that tired? For Nick to notice and come up to me with such fear in his voice and eyes, it had to be pretty bad. 

Right before going to my form class, I ran to the bathroom to check on myself

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Right before going to my form class, I ran to the bathroom to check on myself. The swelling had gone away a little but was still very visible. The darker circle under my right eye was slowly becoming worse. Luckily I had stolen what I think was foundation from my sister's bedroom. I locked myself in one of the toilets and pulled out my phone to use it as a mirror. I gently applied the makeup under my eye as it was hurting like hell. It slightly looked better but I didn't want anyone to notice that I had makeup on either.

I walked into form, preparing myself to see Ben's face again. As I crossed the door frame, I realized that he was sitting at my seat. I lost my breath for a second and walked towards Mr. Lange.

Mr. Lange - Good morning Charlie! I changed your seat following one of your peers' demand. If I see that this place is better for you, it will stay that way for the rest of the school year.

He pointed towards Ben's old seat, next to Nick Nelson. 

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