2.3 - Worry

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TW - abusive relationship, violence, domestic violence

*Nick's POV*

I got there too late. I had just followed Charlie from a couple of meters behind, but I somehow managed to fall too much behind and to get to the music room too late.

I slammed open the door.

N - Charlie!

Ben was standing in the corner staring at Charlie with an evil grin on his face. Meanwhile, Charlie was on the floor, unconscious. I pushed Ben on the wall and I felt that sudden urge of revenge and I just felt like hitting him so hard, just like he did to Charlie. But I knew better than this.

N - Go on then. Piss off!

Ben walked away, scared but still smiling. I rushed to Charlie and I sat down by his side. I held his  face between my sweaty hands and tried to shake him up a bit.

N - Charlie! Please wake up. Please just stay with me.

I could feel his breath on my fingers. It was weak but it was there. I didn't know what to do. I held him in my arms for a couple of minutes while I was collecting my thoughts. I was going to kill Ben. How could things like this still happen, especially at our age? 

C - Mmhhhh...

N - Charlie, hey! Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone or like an ambulance or something? What do you want me to do? I'm here for you Charlie. I-

Tears were running down my face. I knew I shouldn't have been the one crying in this situation but seeing Charlie like that broke my heart. 

C - Nick? Is that you? Did- Did you see what happened? 

N - We can talk about that later, but right now I just want to know if you're okay.

C - I- I think so.

Charlie tried to stand up but once he got on his feet, he leaned on the wall and held his head. I offered him to sit back down but he refused. I could see that he felt dizzy and that he was in a lot of pain but he insisted on the fact that he was fine. 

N - I still think I should get you to a hospital. Maybe you hit your head really hard when you passed out and that bruise on your face...

C - Can we just get out of here? Please? I need some fresh air.

N - Yes, of course.

I offered him my arm so that he could hold on to me in case he felt dizzy again. We slowly got out and went to sit on one of the benches in a park nearby.

N - Charlie, I- I'm so sorry for everything you've went through. I should've been there for you. I should've done something the first time. I-

C - The first time? Nick... What do you mean by "the first time"?... 


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