3.3 - Talk

417 7 13

TW - abusive relationship, violence, sexual assault

*Charlie's POV*

The thing is I was so naive and I really felt like Ben loved me and that he truly regretted what he had done, so I forgave him and moved on...

A couple weeks later, Ben invited me to come sleep over at his house. It was a beautiful Saturday evening. The sky was changing colour to some gorgeous orange and pink shades. I peacefully walked to Ben's house hoping that my day would continue being as awesome, but unfortunately I didn't know that that night was going to be a nightmare.

We went straight upstairs to his room and laid down on his bed. He had prepared some popcorn and candy and had settle the TV on a new film we both hadn't watched called "Call Me By Your Name". It was about these two gay men trying to fight for their love regardless of their families' opinions. 

We cuddled for a while until he turned to me and stared into my eyes. 

C - What?

B - You're just so handsome.

C - Thanks.

B - And hot.

He then put one of his arms around my shoulders and his other arm went to my chest.

B - You know, sometimes I really feel like going further with you.

C - I'm not sure I'm-

I didn't even have the time to finish my sentence that he was already kissing me, very passionately. His hand then slowly went down to the bottom of my shirt, which he was trying to lift up a little.

C - Ben. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

B - You're not sure? So I still have some chances of changing your mind?

C - Ben...

He went down to my trousers and started undoing the button. With his other hand, he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them down above my head.

C - Ben, please stop. I'm definitely not ready for that. Please!

I begged for him to stop but he continued. I fought back, trying to free my wrists but his strength was overpowering mine. He managed to unzip my trousers and place his hand under. I was shaking, terrified, crying, and I couldn't breathe.

B - Oh stop crying. I know you want that. 

He harshly grabbed my crotch and that's when I lost it. I gathered the last of my strength and fought for my life. I managed to free my hands so I pushed Ben off as hard as I could. I got up, zipped my pants back up and ran downstairs. I left as fast as I could, ran through the door, and sprinted to my house, looking behind me a couple of times to make sure Ben wasn't following me. I had never been this terrified in my entire life. I was in my worst nightmare. 

Once I got back home, I went to my room and as soon as I closed the door behind me, it hit me. I bursted into tears and fell to the ground. The last thing I knew was that I fell asleep on the floor. I must've been so exhausted by my emotions that I couldn't stay awake a minute more.

When I finished telling Nick about all of that, I looked into his eyes to see how he was doing. Hearing all of that must've been hard for him too. He started crying and hugged me so tight I had to pull back to breathe a little. Going back to all those memories had me shaking a little and a couple of tears fell down my face. Nick hugged me again.

N - I am so so sorry. If I would've known that Ben was such a horrible person, I would've never been friends with him in the first place.

C - Nick, you couldn't have known. It's okay.

We talked for hours after that until the sun was setting. We hugged a lot as soon as we saw that the other needed a hug. It was the first time that Nick and I talked for so long but it felt like we'd known each other for ages. I had told him things not even my closest friends knew.

 I had told him things not even my closest friends knew

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The next day...


I wake up by the sound of my phone. I look up and see that I missed 17 calls and I had 34 unopened messages. I look around only to realize that I was still in Nick's bed right next to him. He was still sleeping but the sun was now up. I read the last message on my phone:




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