Argument (Killerdust)

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This was requested by @OrigamiCheese

And I'm sorry but I don't know why Wattpad won't let me tag people.


It was dark in Nightmare's castle, silent. The only skeletons in the mansion are Cross, Nightmare, and Fell, who occasionally visits the Bad Sanses when he wants to get away from his AU. The King of Negativity was in his office, working on paperwork he didn't finish during the day, and Cross and Fell were in their respective rooms, sleeping.

The living room was silent. There was a single light on, a lamp in the corner. The fireplace went out a while ago when Nightmare came to snuff it out after Fell and Cross went to bed.

Suddenly, the room brightened. Three skeletons appeared in the center of the room, one of which was leaning against another. A skeleton with a hole in his skull, Horror, was holding up a skeleton with black liquid leaking from his eyes, Killer. The dust-covered skeleton, Dust, stood close by, hands hovering, not knowing what to do. His mind was a jumbled mess, panic and adrenaline the only reasons he was standing. His eyelights jumped from one spot to another, as if something was going to jump out at them.

Dust knew rationally that nothing could attack them here, in Nightmare's castle. Not without Nightmare noticing before it even happened. He didn't know why he's so panicked. He's never this panicked after a mission. But the way Killer was leaning against Horror sent alarm bells ringing in his skull.

None of the skeletons spoke at first, Horror leading Killer to the couch. Dust stayed back, gaze blank as he stared at the others, hands twitching as they slowly lowered to his side, trying to even his breathing. His mind was still panicked, still going over the memories in his head, but his shoulders slumped slightly at the sight of their familiar surroundings.

Dust's eyelights focused in on Killer when the latter groaned as he slowly lowered himself to sit on the furniture. "Careful, Killer..." Horror mumbled, hands reaching out when Killer leaned a bit too far to the left. His hands were pushed away. Dust narrowed his eyes at Killer, who scowled.

"I'm fine." He said sternly, refusing Horror's help when he tried to reach out again. Dust rolled his eyes at the stubborn skeleton, not at all surprised at his refusal for help as he leaned against the closest wall, hands itching to help even if he didn't know how.

"You're bleeding.." Horror rose a brow, gesturing at the darkening stain on his shirt. "And in pain.." He gave the wounded skeleton a challenging look. Killer opened his mouth, most likely to argue, Dust assumed, he loves to do that, before Horror poked his abdomen. Killer hissed in pain, glaring at Horror as his arm wrapped around his body.

"Proved his point.." Dust muttered to himself, only to have Killer's glare slide to him. Dust scowled at him, arms crossed. "What?" He snapped.

Killer was silent for a moment, eyeing the skeleton before him. Horror turned slightly as well, head tilting to the side. Dust glared at the both of them, his panicked mind not making sense of why they were staring. "What?" He repeated, even more irritated than before, hands clenching the sleeves of his hoodie, shifting under their gazes.

This time, Killer rolled his eyelights. "Stop moping," he deadpanned, eyeing Dust's hands. He tilted his head, listening to something. To what, Dust didn't know. He didn't really care either.

Dust scowled once more, pushing off the wall. "I am not moping," he hissed. He didn't know what gave Killer that idea. Sure, he was a little (a lot, he thought distantly) ticked off because Killer was hurt, but he was not moping about the fact.

Killer brought the dust-covered skeleton back to reality when he huffed a disbelieving laugh. "Sure, you're not," he grunted as Horror poked at his abdomen again, glancing down at the skeleton before focusing on Dust again. "You're definitely not standing there moping over the fact that I'm hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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