Winter Cuddles (Crossmare)

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Some fluff UwU


Cross was currently sitting in front of the fire place, freezing. Behind him, Horror and Killer were on the couch, shivering just as much as he was. Dust and Error were no where to be seen. Dust was most likely in his room, the unsocial bastard, Cross thought, slightly amused at the fact. Error is probably in the anti-void somewhere or fighting Ink.

Nightmare was the only one who wasn't shivering. He was sitting in the only armchair in the living room, beside the couch, reading a book. Cross grumbled bitterly, snuggling more into the blankets around him. Nightmare was never one to feel the cold. Even in the dead of winter.

"How the hell are you shivering more then us when you have the most layers of clothes on and sitting in front of the fire place, Cross?!" Cross startled, looking up to see Killer was the one to talk.

He shrugged and looked away, "It's complicated..."

"Complicated my ass..." Killer grumbled.

Cross snarled as he turned around. "Oh shut up. No one asked for your two cents."

Killer glared at him. "It was just a question, man. No need to get snappy."

Cross just rolled his eyelights, turning back to the fireplace. He kept his guard up though. He still didn't trust these skeletons that much.

Cross groaned and shivered again as a gust of wind blew past. He pulled the blankets farther around himself more and sniffled a bit. They really need to get the heat fixed. He didn't know how the wind gets into the castle, but it always does. He and the others all have checked the castle, three times, for any holes, always coming up empty handed.

Cross turned his head slightly to the side, sensing someone staring at him. His eyelights caught Nightmare's singular icy blue eye piercing his.

Cross held his gaze, eyes narrowed into a glare. Even if Nightmare scared him, he was not going to back down. Nightmare stared at him for a good minute before he looks away and stands, heading towards the kitchen.

Cross stares after him for a while, 'eyebrows' furrowed in confusion. When he looked over at Killer and Horror, it seems they were just as confused as he was, staring at the doorway to the kitchen.

Cross shrugged it off, not paying much mind to it. Their boss was probably just making him something to eat or going to get some coffee. However, soon there was a minty chocolate smell coming from the kitchen.

Cross perked up, eyelights staring at the kitchen entrance intently. It was silent for a moment before Nightmare walked out of the kitchen with a tray. There were four cups on the tray. Cross squinted his eyes, trying to see what was in the cups.

Cross watched Nightmare walk over to the couch and set the tray on the table in front of Horror and Killer. He grabbed two mugs and walked towards Cross. As Nightmare stopped in front of him, he could finally tell what was in the mugs. Hot chocolate. Cross' face lit up as he took the cup offered to him and blew on it before taking a sip.

The flavor exploded in his mouth. It was delicious. Cross looked up and nodded at Nightmare, signaling his thanks. He turned back around and thought that would be the end of it, but it seemed Nightmare had other plans.

Nightmare sat down next to Cross, surprising the shorter. He didn't say anything. He just sat there, his tentacles swaying lightly behind him.

Cross tensed slightly, side-eyeing Nightmare as he took another sip of hot chocolate. The two were silent for a while. The only noise that Cross could hear was snickering. Fucking Killer... He glanced back and glared at said skeleton, who just smirked smugly. Even Horror send a little smile his way.

Cross scoffed and rolled his eyelights. He finished off his hot chocolate and set it beside him. He pulled the blankets closer, staring into the fire.

He was getting tired. And Nightmare looked really comfortable at the moment. But Cross has never fallen asleep in the company of others, hell, he doesn't get much sleep either way. He was nervous, hesitant.

Subconsciously, he began to slowly lean against Nightmares side as he grow more tired. He didn't notice until Nightmare glanced at him with a raised brow. Cross blushed a gentle purple, dunking his head and pulling his scarf over his mouth. This is embarrassing.

When he went to pull away, Nightmare moved an arm. He froze, guard going up. But instead of attacking, Nightmare rested his arm over Cross' shoulders, pulling him closer.

Cross tensed up, caught off guard. He was expecting to be hit or at least pushed away. He didn't expect to be pulled closer. He nervously glanced up at Nightmare but the King of Negativity was staring at the fire, a light cyan blush coating his cheeks.

After a tense moment, Cross relaxed against his boss' side. He felt Nightmare flinched slightly but didn't say anything. Neither did Cross. They sat in silent before Cross' eyes started getting heavy. He yawned into his scarf, flushing slightly. He tried to stay awake, jolting anytime he began to nod off.

Apparently, Nightmare noticed. His boss started to hum a quiet tune, one that Cross couldn't identify. He wasn't awake long enough to figure it out either. Sure enough, the tune lured Cross into a dreamless sleep.

The last thing Cross can make out is snickering from behind the pair and Nightmare hissing something that his ears didn't catch.

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