Passive Form (Killermare + side ships)

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This was requested by someone from my old oneshot book but I cannot remember who. I honestly changed this one a lot and I like it a whole lot better. Hopefully, y'all like it too!

The side ships in the are: Lustberry, Cream (Hinted), and Horrordust

"Damnit ..." Nightmare muttered to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror. Purple eyelights stared back. He was in his passive form. Not even two weeks after the truce with the so called 'Star Sanses'. This is just great.

Nightmare growled in frustration. Why?! Why now of all times? Why at all? He hated this. He hated this form. It was weak. He was weak.

A knock on the bathroom door startled Nightmare. He paused, glancing over to the door. "Brother?" Dream. He groaned internally. Why did it have to be Dream?

"Yeah?" Thank the stars his voice was the same.

"Are you okay? You've been in there a long time..." Dream's muffled voice was filled with concern. Nightmare had no doubt his brother was frowning on the other side of the door.

Nightmare sighed. "Yeah, just... give me a minute," he cursed silently at the hesitant edge to his voice. Stars, how was he supposed to explain this?

He took a deep breath. He could do this. Just open the door, face your brother in the form you haven't been in for years, and carry on with your day. Easy, Nightmare thought bitterly. Easy my ass.

He stilled himself before opening the door. He was met with Dream, nervously messing with his shirt, his head snapping up at the sound of the door opening. He paused, eye sockets wide as he took in his brother. Nightmare shifted uncomfortably. "Dream," he greeted stiffly.

Dream was still for a moment longer before tears sprung to his eye sockets and a huge grin spread across his face. He laughed in disbelief before launching himself at Nightmare, the latter startling but caught him nonetheless. In the process of tackling his brother, Dream knocked the little crown on Nightmare's head, making it crooked.

Nightmare snorted and hesitantly wrapped his arms around Dream, relaxing in his hold. He fixed the crown on his head, trying to remember when the last time he hugged his brother was. Some time before being corrupted, probably.

Dream pulled back and wiped his face with a sniffle. He still had a bright grin, despite the tears steadily streaming down his cheekbones. Nightmare wiped at them gently. "Don't cry..." he muttered, a small smile on his own lips.

Dream giggled and squeezed the hand that was on his cheek. "Come on, the others are waiting," he murmured softly, tugging Nightmare to the door of the bedroom they were in. However, Nightmare paused at the door, causing Dream to stop as well. "Brother? What's wrong?" Dream frowned, his cheeks flushed a soft yellow from crying.

Nightmare hesitated, groaning before wrapping his arms around himself in a hug of sorts. "The others..." he trailed off, not knowing how to finish his sentence. Stars, this really sucked. This form really sucked.

Dream's lips made an 'o' shaped as realization hit him. He smiled softly. "Nighty, they won't care. You're still their 'boss'," he put air quotes around the word. "They'll love and respect you no matter what, even in this form you call 'weak'." Dream tugged his arms until he was holding his hand, a smile gracing his features.

Nightmare sighed and squeezed his brother's hand with a small smile. "Alright... let's go before I change my mind.." Nightmare tugged Dream along as he walked out of the room. Dream laughed and latched onto Nightmare's arm, humming quietly.

Nightmare could hear the others as he got closer to the living room where they were all hanging out. He took a deep breath. Oddly enough, as they got closer to the living room, he didn't feel hesitant or worried. He felt relaxed, soothed even.

Nightmare tugged open the door and walked inside, Dream right behind him, still holding his arm. As soon as they walked in, everyone turned to greet them but stopped when they seen Nightmare.

"Uh- Dream?" Cross asked, receiving a hum from the skeleton hanging off of Nightmare's arm. "Who's that?"

Dream giggled and smirked, an unusually mischievous look in his eyes. "What, you don't recognize your boss?" He 'tsk'ed, shaking his head. "That's not a very good look Crossy."

Cross flushed at the nickname before his eyes snapped to Nightmare. The whole room was silent then, all at once, everyone exclaimed, "Nightmare!?"

Dream full-on crackled beside him, leaning against him to not fall, as he snickered. He grinned. "Yep, it's your boss."

Ink stepped forward, examining the purple coded skeleton. "What... happened?" He asked slowly, looking between the twins.

"Has Dream told you about before I was corrupted?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head. Ink, Blue, and Lust all nodded, which hold on, when did Lust even get here? Eh, didn't matter. The King of Negativity looked at his group, "And you guys remember what I told you?" They nodded. "Well, this," he gestured towards himself, "is my 'passive form' as me and Dream like to call it. Don't ask how I'm in this form, because I do not have an answer to that."

They were silent before Killer stood up. He made his way over to Nightmare, Dream moving away and sitting next to Cross. Killer wrapped his arms around Nightmare's waist and kissed his cheek. "Well, you look very pretty, my love."

Nightmare chuckled, ignoring the surprised looks of the others in favor of bring Killer into a kiss. He chuckled as Killer flushed a black hue. "Thank you, my prince." He teased, watching in satisfaction as Killer flushed more.

"Since when were you two together!?" Lust squealed from his seat in Blue's lap, his boyfriends arms wrapped around his waist.

Nightmare rolled his eyes, twisting around in Killer's arms. "Since a few months, bitch."

Lust didn't pay any mind to the name, knowing it was teasingly, although Blue glared at Nightmare lightly. Lust squeal and a happy grin formed on his face. "And you didn't tell us?" Horror pouted, looking offended.

"We wanted to enjoy each other without having you guys teasing us 24/7," Killer deadpanned, raising a brow when Dust rolled his eyes. "You got something to say, pretty boy? I know you ain't slick either." Dust flushed brightly and glared at Killer, pulling his scarf up to hid his face.

"What!?" Lust yelped, twisting to look at Dust. "Oh my stars, who!?" Blue chuckled at his boyfriend, raising at brow at Dust as everyone started asking him questions.

Nightmare smirked as he watched his gang and his brother's gang get along. He glanced at Killer, raising a brow as the other grinned mischievously. "So... were you lying, or does Dust actually have someone?"

Killer grinned brighter before nodding towards the other skeletons. "Watch."

Nightmare rolled his eyelights before focusing on the scene before him. Everyone was excitedly chatting, trying to get Dust to open up. The only one who wasn't asking questions was Horror. Who also looked like he was blushing.

Nightmare let out a shocked laugh, "Well, well. Would you look at that?" Killer squeezed his waist and buried his face in his boyfriends neck. Nightmare rubbed a thumb over Killer's arm, contently watching the others have a good time. Maybe being in his passive form for a while won't be too bad...

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