Jax: How long will it take?

Taylor: The first couple are usually the worst. After a while you build up the tolerance, it still sucks though. They start to happen faster.

Tyler: Here. Wolfsbane. It'll help but it'll burn...Badly...*Jax looked at Taylor and she nodded. Jax drank as much as he could before he spit and coughed it back up. Jax turned to look at Taylor and she held his face*

Taylor: You can't run from this. I am so sorry this is happening to you, my child. But now you are truly a hybrid, you have wolf running through your veins. Not only that, you have mine, Eric and Klaus's blood in you. You come from warrior blood and you will get through this. The best part about this is the run and the free will of turning when you want to. Our boys, our daughter will be able to bond deeper with us when they run with us...*Jax sighed*

Jax: I can't do this.

Tyler: Yes, yes, you can and I'm right here...*As the moon was now in place, Jax yelled as he felt a snap in both of his wrist. Taylor closed her eyes as she felt his pain*...You have to clear your mind...*Tyler yelled as he started to turn and Jax felt himself fighting the shift*

Taylor: Stop fighting it. Your body knows what to do.

Jax: I'm not.

Taylor: You are. You are weak Teller. You always have been...*She looked at Tyler and he nodded for her to keep going*...How can you handle taking care of a family when you can't even handle this?

Jax: Stop it. You know I can...*Taylor saw his eyes glow and he yelled more. A few moments later...Jax sat as a wolf in front of her. Taylor kneeled down on one knee and caressed his fur*

Taylor: As your maker I am unbelievably proud of you. Now go...Run and let the wind, the night air show you what being wolf is all about...*She smiled as he ran off with Tyler....

Time had passed and Jax took the time once a month to shift. The turn was getting easier, faster but it still hurt like hell. Eric still hadn't reached out to Taylor but she did still send text or a picture from her appointments. She left voicemails about how they went. Eric didn't listen to a single one of them. He hated that he had to fight and be so deep in Claire to drown out Taylor.

Some nights, he'd look up, see the full moon and she was the only one who came to mind. Amber hated watching the hard moments but she also knew why he was doing it. If Eric wanted a baby, he wanted a baby and to fully be with Taylor. Amber respected him for that and respected that Eric knew what he wanted. She knew they would be together because it was destined to happen*

Abel: Mommy! Mommy! Look what I made!

Taylor: Babe! You are the best block builder ever! Don't tell daddy but you are even better than him...*Abel laughed and continued to play with the blocks. Taylor held sleeping Thomas and looked at the door as she heard a knock*...What?...*Taylor looked at Thomas and then back at Abel seeing that he was content. Stahl looked at Taylor's kids and Taylor made her eyes glow*

Stahl: Teller here?

Taylor: No but you knew that already.

Stahl: May I?

Taylor: My children are here.

Stahl: I mean no harm...*Taylor growled and Stahl held her hands up. Taylor stepped aside as Stahl walked in*

Abel: Are you daddy's friend?

Stahl: I'm a friend of your mommy.

Abel: Mommy...Mommy is the best...*Taylor smiled and bent down to kiss his head. Taylor set Thomas down as he still slept and Abel kissed his brother's head*

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now