Yoongi just looking towards the ethereal beauty that is standing infront of him. Jungkook didn't apply any kind of heavy makeup, or wear any expensive dress, but still his simplicity makes him more beautiful in yoongi's eyes.

" So beautiful " yoongi compliment jungkook's beauty, he come close to jungkook and cup his face and kiss on his forehead. Jungkook blush on yoongi's beautiful compliment on his looks, he wrap his hands around yoongi's waist and hug him, yoongi also hug him.

" Can we leave for our surprise " yoongi ask to jungkook who is still in his embrace. Jungkook nod his head and backaway from yoongi's embrace. Yoongi open car's door for jungkook, and make him sit properly in car, then he went his side and sit on his seat, then drive his car towards his surprise destination.

" Hubby, where are we going ?? " Jungkook curiously ask. Yoongi look towards jungkook from his corner of eyes, mainly focus on his drive and replied to jungkook.

" Just few minutes bun, then your waits of this surprise will ends " yoongi try to convince jungkook to wait a little longer as they are just going to reach their destination. Jungkook make a pout in curiously, and patiently wait for them to reach wherever yoongi want to take him. Yoongi put his free hand on jungkook's hands and squeeze it slightly to assure jungkook that everything is going to fine, he don't have to tensed for anything. Jungkook smile softly on yoongi's caring behaviour. They enjoy there ride , by holding each other's hand, and listening some sweet music.

After twenty minutes of sweet ride, yoongi stops his car infront of a big luxurious building. Jungkook still didn't get why yoongi want to take him in such place.

" Koo...." Yoongi called jungkook, who is busy in taking view of front location. Jungkook divert his gaze and looks into yoongi's eyes.

" I am going to blindfold you as I want to see your first reaction on my surprise, which I made only for you with lots of love " yoongi's words make jungkook's heart skip a beat. He feel very much happy that yoongi prepare a surprise for him, for the very first time.

" But hubby....... " Yoongi sense nervousness on jungkook's face due to his blindfolding condition. He lift his hand and cup jungkook's face in his hand.

" Please baby, just accept my this condition. I promise I will hold your hand whole time and not leave you " yoongi give his assurance in his most pleading voice. Jungkook can't see his love to plead to him for anything, so he give a small smile, then nod his head on yoongi's condition to blindfold him. Yoongi last time kiss on jungkook's forehead and take out a black blindfold from his pant's pocket. He wrapped it around jungkook's eyes lightly, so that it won't scared him more. Yoongi come out from car and went towards jungkook's side, he carefully hold jungkook's hand and also make him come outside from the car. When they are standing outside of the car, yoongi hold jungkook's one hand softly and starts to guide him inside the luxurious building. Jungkook is very nervous as well as excited for yoongi's surprise, he eagerly wait for the moment when he able to see yoongi's surprise. He believes yoongi so much , that's why he starts to follow yoongi wherever he takes him , while holding yoongi's hand.

Jungkook walking few seconds, then stepping on stairs and at last he yoongi take him inside the lift. Then finally they stops at some place after few steps. Yoongi not leave jungkook's hand even for a second, which leads to reduce jungkook's anxiety at every passing seconds.

When jungkook feel that yoongi stop to take him anywhere, then he softly called yoongi.

" Hubby " jungkook voice is not very confident as he is still feel nervous due to blindfold .

" Just a second bun " yoongi softly whisper near jungkook's face, then went towards back side of jungkook, and starts to open blindfold carefully, so that jungkook didn't feel any force in his eyes. When blindfold is removed from jungkook's eyes, he blinks his eyes for few time to clear his vision, but he frown when he see nothing but only darkness around him.

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