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Third Person

Next day. President Soot slept in the archives as so they didn't have to worry about any people seeing him.

"Tech— Puffy!" Tommy yelps being cut off guard seeing the manager and sorta of owner of the museum but also she was his boss. Puffy turned to the blonde teen, "You got here earlier than normal, I'm glad to see you have enthusiasm for your job but it is an hour earlier than when you have to come in." She says with a small chuckle.

Tommy nods and glances over at the archive door, with a keep out sign on the door. "Anyway, I wanted to introduce you to the former night security but also my son." Puffy says and points to the male next to her, his hair didn't look anything like Puffy's curls. 

Tommy nods, gives a small wave. "He'll be in the building today, to help with a new arrival later since I didn't know how strong you are and the next exhibit equals in around eighty to a hundred pounds." She explains.

"I'm Dream by the way, nice to meet you." The male says and chuckles, Tommy gives a nervous smile "Tommy Simons and same here." He quickly replies. "Now if you'll excuse me, I forgot my phone down in the archives when I was helping Techno organize a bit last night." He says and quickly speed walks to the door and goes down.

Techno jumps from the loud creaking of the stairs but looks over to just see Tommy, with panic in his face. "What—" "Puffy has her son helping out today because of a new exhibit!" Tommy yelps and runs to Techno.

"Oh shit... that's not going to be very easy with Will already out." Techno says and gestures to the makeshift bed on a cot, empty. Tommy looks at the cot, then Techno. "Fuckkkkk" he whines out. 

Tommy puts on a smile, and walks back out. "Found it ahah" he chuckles showing his phone, Dream and Puffy nod.  "Let me know if anything weird happens or if something gets damaged you two, I'll leave now." She says and leaves the two be. 

Dream waits for his mother to leave before grabbing ahold of Tommy, "Why did I see Wilbur Soot in the fucking guest shop." He snaps out loud.

Tommy first jumps but then realizes. "You know who Wilbur Soot is?" Tommy exhales surprised, "'Do I know Wilbur Soot?' Of course I do! Schlatt fucking hired me— um never mind." Dream says and lets go of the teen.

"Techno!" Tommy yells as the archivist comes up from the basement, "What do you need nerd?" He says then notices the nervous Dream in front of them. "What do you mean, Schlatt hired you?" Tommy asks crossing his arms, Techno walking up to him. Dream takes a deep breath, "I didn't want to do it, I'll tell you that." He says and looks off to the side. 

"You know about Wilbur's death don't you?" Techno says crossing his arms and looking down at the man. 

Tommy and Techno exchange glances with each other as Dream looks at the ground then back up at them, "Yes, yes I do." He replies and holds his breath tightly for a few seconds before letting go.

"How do you know about his death?" Techno asks and notices the former president peeking around the corner of the nearby rooms. "Schlatt hired me to cut it real short." Dream says and starts to fidget with his dark green hoodie's loose strings at the slightly ripped sleeves.

Tommy looks up at the archivist briefly then back to Dream, "Archives now. You're telling us how you know." Techno demands and points behind him. 

Dream jumps, his mouth agape before closing it and nodding. "Wait- before we do that. Do you know what the GS is?" Tommy asks holding his hands up, "Yeah, Schlatt tried to make me join but I told him I didn't want to." Dream says and looks at the teen confused.

"How do you know about it?" He asks, "Jack Manifold." The archivist and teen say in sync. "Now, let's go down so you can tell us the full story." Techno says and leads the two to the archives. 

Word count: 700

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