How is he here

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Third Person

"Wakey wakey!" Tommy yells into the guest room that the brunt slept in, "Come on. Phil agreed to meet us at six thirty sharp and it's six fifteen." He says clapping his hands together quickly. Wilbur slowly sits up nodding, "Got it." He mumbles and gets out of the bed.

Once they get to the meet up spot, the museum.

"Ah there you are!" Phil says and runs over to the door, "Yeah I really needed to see you for something important." Tommy says entering the museum. Phil nods, "Could we maybe meet down in the archives? I don't want to have anyone but you or Techno seeing someone." Tommy asks looking outside quickly but then back to Phil.

Phil nods as Tommy runs out to grab Wilbur, "You go first." He says as Phil goes into the archives with Techno welcoming his best friend down.

"Tommy has something or someone to show us, you okay with that?" Phil asks, Techno nods and turns away from his work in his chair. Tommy walks down, footsteps following him down too.

"Alright well Um, I really don't know how to explain this entirely but after Techno left last night I heard something hit metal and it scared me obviously, and eventually he um.. appeared." Tommy says as Wilbur comes from behind him. Techno looks at the man and then Phil, repeatedly.

Tommy watched as the two looked at each other intensely, "Phil—" "Wilbur!" The two say in sync running to each other. "You fucking idiot! I told you not to trust that con-man and I was right you ended up dead!" Phil yells shaking the brunt around.

Wilbur stood still, completely in shock, "I... I died?" He stammers taking a step back. "Is that why everything is so different to how I remember? I can't even be president anymore..." He mumbles and looks around, his expressions going crazy.

"How did I die?" He asks looking into Phil's eyes, "Nobody knows how Will, but I'm just glad to see you." Phil answers and pulls Wilbur into a hug. Techno clears his throat catching the attention of the two, "What's going on exactly?" Techno asks, Tommy agreeing with the question.

Phil looks at Wilbur than the two, "Tommy, Techno, this is my son." Phil says as Wilbur looks around the archives. Tommy was silent in shock, "That explains your obsession with his history." Techno mumbles to himself and just watched as Wilbur walks around.

"I never asked, what happened to the others? Are they dead?" Wilbur asks turning to Phil, "Others? Oh- I'm not sure." Phil responds. Tommy looks at them both and pulls out the journal from his over shoulder bag, quickly skipping to the photograph page.

"Are these the people you're talking about?" He says and flips the journal right side up to Wilbur, "Yes! Thomas and Tobias, must still be around right? I mean it's only been—" "Fifteen years." Phil finished. Wilbur stops and looks at himself, taking in what's really going on.

"I shouldn't be here- how am I here?" He mumbles and looks up at Tommy, "You look like Thomas a lot actually. I almost called you him when I first saw you." Wilbur points out.

Tommy looks at the page and then back up at Wilbur, "I don't see the resemblance but alright." He responds.

Word count: 560

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