Get the fuck out of my house

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Third person

Tommy and Ranboo arrived at Tubbo's house, just the two of them. "Thanks for coming over guys..." Tubbo says opening the door for them to come in, "I know this is a bad time but we need to talk about something Tubbo." Tommy says sitting down.

Tubbo looks at him confused then to Ranboo, "Do you know what it is?" Ranboo sighs and nods in response.

"Do you remember me mentioning President Soot?" Tommy asks and pulls out his phone, Tubbo nods a bit weary of his friends, "He's somehow here and is- er was- connected to your father." Tommy says and shows the photo he took of the photograph.

Tubbo stares down at his friends, "Your trying to fuck me over and it's not funny you two." He says backing up looking at the photo Tommy shakes his head, "It's the truth Tubs." Ranboo adds on.

Tubbo shakes his head and grabs a photo album, "My dad wasn't in a fucking war!" He says and opens the photo album to have photos of his father with Thomas as kids, but not in the uniforms. It was the same photo that Tommy was showing just without the others, and without the uniforms.

"I appreciate that your trying to get better at photoshop Tommy but, not about my fucking father." Tubbo yells and throws the album onto the coffee table, "Now, if that's all your here for, excuse my French but, get the fuck out of my house." Tubbo snaps 

Tommy looks at the photo album, there was a photo hiding behind the one Tubbo was showing. "Tubbo I'm not joking!" Tommy pleads and picks up the photo album, gently removing the photo of the two's parents. 

"What the fuck are you—" Tubbo stopped talking as the photo hit the coffee table and on the inside of the photo album was a photo of Thomas and Tobias hanging up a flag, Wilbur in the background with a thumbs up. 

Ranboo looked at the two other teens, waiting for one of them to say anything. "Tommy." Tubbo whispers and looks up at the blonde, "Yeah Tubbo?" He replies and places the photo album back down.

"What the fuck is going on and why are our parents standing near "President Soot" in this photo." He says and looks at the photo album in front of him. "Is the life my father told me about all a lie?" He thought and started to tear up. 

Tommy noticed his friend crying and reached out for him, "I know it's a lot to unpack but you're not alone Tubso." He whispers in a reassuring voice to the shorter teen. Tubbo was crying and mumbling into Tommy's shoulder random gibberish that Tommy couldn't make out.

Well he could make out one thing.

"Why did he lie to me." Tubbo sobbed and let go of Tommy, wiping away his tears and holding his arms tightly. "We have to solve this in..." Tommy checked his phone, how had thirty minutes already passed? "Around forty seven to forty eight hours." He finishes and puts the phone away.

Tubbo looks at Ranboo than to  Tommy, "I'll join to help, but only because I want to know the true life of my dad." He says and takes a deep breath giving the two taller teens a small assuring smile. 

Word count: 500

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