
32 1 5

Artist: unknown
Third person

Tommy walked into the museum, this was only his third day working there but him and Skeppy came to an agreement that Skeppy would get the gift shop door and handle everything over there. Tommy went and sat onto his desk chair and noticed a journal tucked into one of the shelves, curious, he grabbed ahold of it. On the side was written 'Journal of President Soot' why didn't he remember a president with that last name? 

Tommy opened it and saw a little note on it. "Dear whoever is reading this. I had turned in this journal in hope that our true president won't be forgotten with history." The note read and Tommy decided to skim through it.

Half an hour later

The pages were either in cursive or messy handwriting, it was hard to tell. Then he came across a page with a few names too close to people he knew. "I became president with my vice president being Eret, and the treasury department being run by my good old friend Thomas." Tommy read out aloud to himself and questioned why the name 'Thomas' sounded so familiar to him. "Is it open?" Tommy heard and shut the journal looking up to see a man with dirty blonde hair and a box in his hands. "Oh yeah, how can I help you?" He says with a smile.

"Just here to donate some things to the archives—" "Ah Phil! I just got your text!" Tommy cocked his head over to see Techno running towards the guest. "Tommy this is Phil, he donates pretty regularly as he works as a biography writer and researches history." The man smiled and nodded, I also teach at the university, all history classes." The blonde man said with a smile. 

Tommy chuckled and nodded. Techno ran down with the box he had brought as Phil stood in the entrance of the museum. Tommy didn't know what to say, does he bring up the journal? Ask about 'President Soot?'

"Uhm. I have a question." Phil looked over at the teen at the desk and nodded, "Well go on." He says and turns to face him. "Do you recognize this? I found it at the desk today." Tommy says and shows him the journal. Phil's smile depleting and his stance going limp. 

"It was just there?" He questioned and Tommy nodded as Phil grabbed the journal. His eyes examining it closely, before a small chuckle "Were you looking through it?" Tommy went red, embarrassed by the professor. "Yeah- I was just a little curious." He spat out quickly.

Phil snickered and looked at the inside, "I donated this five or more years ago. The mayor said it wasn't allowed to be in the public, so it had been sitting in the archives for quite a while till now." Phil says handing the journal back to Tommy. "Who is it? I don't remember a 'President Soot.' Was he one of the firsts?" Phil nods to Tommy's question, a small bit of sadness on his face.

"Our current president, Schlatt, made sure that every bit of evidence of him being the president before him was eradicated or banned to the public eye." Tommy jumped hearing that, the country's president BANNED it?! "Why would he ban the country's history!?" Tommy yelled confused. Techno coming back up to the front to find the two talking. 

"What are you two on about?" He says and stands next to Phil. "Just about President Soot, nothing much." Phil says with a smile. Techno rolls his eyes, "You and your obsession with that dude, Phil come on. It's been ten or more years by now." Phil sighs and looks away from his friend.

"When was he president?" Tommy asks, looking at the cover of the journal in his hands. "Fifteen years ago. Nobody knows what he died from." Phil says with sorrow in his voice, "You act like you knew him personally... did you?" Tommy asks curious. Phil chuckles, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Give the journal a read, I've got to get going now. It was nice to meet you...?" Phil says prompting Tommy to speak. "Oh! I'm Tommy Simons!" He says with a grin. Phil jumps slightly.

"You have the same last name as someone he knew.. maybe your also connected to him, but you'll have to find out yourself." Phil says and leaves the museum. Techno looks over at Tommy who is starry eyed. "Can I look at the stuff he's donated about this guy please?!" He exclaims excitedly. Techno shrugs and nods before leaving back to the archives. 

Tommy looked at his desk to see his phone lighting up and vibrating, his group chat with his friends was blowing up. The last few messages being from Tubbo, who was ranting about some Karen he had to deal with at his job. "I told him not to become a barista." Tommy thinks to himself and rolls his eyes.

———Phone——— (Names are what Tommy has them as in his phone)
Ranboob: You were so close there, almost no mistakes.
Tubso: stfu.
Eyrn: L
  Tommy: Guys leave him alone-
Tubso: thank you!
Ranboob: Hey Tommy! How's your new job going?
   Tommy: Awesome! I found out we used to have a "president soot!"
Eyrn: how come we never heard of him in class?
Tubso: same question here
Ranboob: ditto
    Tommy: apparently president Schlatt made sure none of his history was avaible to the public. I only found out who he is from a donator.
Ranboob: I never really did trust him too much
Ranboob: I mean, I already knew he was a mega capitalist.
Tubso: Wow that's a Dick move
Eyrn: I wonder what else we aren't being told bc of him.
Tommy: I need to get back to work, see ya!
Eyrn: bye!
Tubso: 👋👋👋
Ranboob: Bye!

——————Real life—————
Third Person

Tommy looked around and did have a few guests who need assistance and so he helped them out, gave them small tours and helped out a few lost kids. The work went on for a few hours before he even noticed the two in front of him.

"Hey Tom!" Tommy hears and looks up from the journal, that he had just opened and was only on the page that was the most cryptic one that Tommy had found so far. In front of him was his two of his friends, Ranboo was practically hovering over Tubbo because of the height difference. Ranboo had brown hair with white and black streaks hidden throughout his hair. Tubbo with brown fluffy hair covering his face mostly, he was in a green baggy shirt tucked in.

Tubbo waving and running up to me, "Soo. Is this job fun?" Tubbo asked the blonde working. "Yeah it is, but why are you two here? Didn't see you two as museum people." Tommy joked with the two, "Just wanted to see what the place was like." Ranboo says with a smile and looked around. "Busy huh." Ranboo jokes as Tubbo nods, the two snickering. 

Tommy giving a dead glare to them, "Alright out your distracting me." Tommy says and points to the front door. The two nod and turn and leave, Tommy smiles and leans back closing his eyes peacefully listening to the soft music echoing in the building.

"Hey!" Tommy opened his eyes and following the voice to see Techno standing there, a box in his hands. "Here, a box of all "president soot" things from Phil. To get you started." Tommy smiles and leans over the desk as Techno places the box besides him. Tommy looks at the books, all dusty and making him cough quite a lot. "Yeah sorry about that, the dust is crazy downstairs." Techno chuckled quietly, "It's cool!" Tommy replies and makes eye contact with the archivist.

Tommy noticed a few odd things, for starters, Techno, the dude in front of him. He had red eyes, and a crown on? Tommy was concerned about his own vision or if he actually had a crown on and had red eyes. "Are your eyes naturally red or is it some contacts?" Tommy asks, Techno popping his head up and looking at Tommy confused, "My eyes are blue. You might be seeing things." Techno said with a confused face. Tommy chuckled and blinked to see the eyes back to blue and the golden crown gone.

"The hell?" Tommy cursed under his breath and brushed it away as a weird light thing with his eyes. "Anyway, I'll head back to the archives. See ya nerd!" Techno says turning on his heels and leaving to the basement. Tommy smiled and nodded at the archivist.

Word count: 1464

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