Weak love

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love yourself,for all I can say.
I never loved myself so I got bullied every time anyway.
I was a very conservative person,who had nothing.
Always seek to be grown up,to buy my everything.
I wanted so much yet my parents gave me very little even if they had efficiency.
patience and decency,
I learnt and told myself through my poetry.
So many imperfections in a women's face and body.
I think its all for the best,
life is all just a big test.
Too tired in your own body?
Must remember He creates everyone beautifully.
And there will always be your happy ending...
even if you're mad,deaf,dumb,or blind;He is always looking after and caring.
At the end,we will reach our final destination,that isn't at all boring.
"nothing to be scared of except the Creator",I won't forget,
we will meet again in heaven,if He let.

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