Chapter 56 - Secrets Unfold

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"Too strong?" Ash teased, finishing off his own cup.

Serena rolled her eyes, fondly. "Only because Misty had us drinking some wine before we came over."

Ash slammed his drink down, fisting his mouth, and breathes out heavily. "Now we can leave."

Misty folded her arms in disbelief, scoffing at that. "Jesus, I know you want to get out there and dance with Serena, but stop being so damn impatient."

"Well, we're leaving," Ash announced, hooking his arm with Serena's, and jerking her forward.

Serena sighed and waved it off. "I suppose we are."

It wasn't long til Ash was frowning in confusion when he realized Serena's other friends' absence. He expected them to show up since they seemed inseparable oftentimes.

"Where's Twinkle-Toes and his girlfriend?"

Serena leaned against Ash's arm, her hair pushed on him. "They're meeting us there. Dawn as well. Paul picked her up."

Ash hummed, pressing his lips to her head for a light kiss. "We could turn around and have our own time. Doesn't that sound better?"

"We are not," she hissed, playfully hitting him on the arm. "It sounds wonder, but take me dancing first and then we'll see about that."

He supposed he could do that. After all this time, Ash really didn't hate dancing with Serena.

The group made their way to the small gym on campus where they were holding the winter formal. The lights were dim, snowflake shaped strobe lights danced across the floor, lighting up various people as they flowed over their head.

The music was loud, pounding against Ash's skull the moment they stepped inside. Misty was quick to drag Gary off, pulling him by the tie while they began to dance in the sea of people. Ash really hoped Serena didn't want to dance there. He was fine dancing with her, but he didn't want to be surrounded by a crowd of sweaty bodies.

"Well, I should've expected that." Serena shrugged, watching Misty go off. She wrapped her fingers through Ash's before tugging him along. "I'd like to say hi to everyone else at least."

Ash didn't mind what they did, as long as he was with her, and not being bumped into by strangers.

Serena pulled him through the crowd towards the back where she saw May and Drew dancing together. Their hips swayed back and forth sensually as they moved with one another. Drew's hands were wrapped around her waist and his forehead was pressed against hers. They seemed happy, lost in their own world. Everything they did together was so naturally loving.

"May!" Serena called out, bounding to the side to interrupt them for a moment.

"Serena! I'm glad you could make it." May looked away from Drew and smiled brightly. "And you brought Ash? That's surprising, but good to see. We thought he wouldn't want to go."

Drew smirked, fixing the hairs he felt was out of place. "It seems like he'll do anything for Serena."

"Can you be tolerable for one night," Ash snapped, stepping over to stand with Serena. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Have you seen Clemont?" Serena asked in genuine curiosity.

"He mentioned having a lot of work this weekend. He said something about having a study party for his science decathlon."

Serena raised her eyebrow at May. "On a Saturday night?"

"You know how he is—"

"I had to force May to come out tonight because she had a moment of being worried about test weeks from now." Drew chuckled softly as his lips brushed her cheek. "Something about having to get started on her final chem report."

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