Chapter 45

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(Nezu's office) 

"You called for me?" Aizawa said entering the hyprid rat's office. 

"Yes, Aizawa I have urgent matters to discuss with you-" Nezu said pouring himself some tea"-would you like a cup?"

"No thanks," Aizawa said sitting down. 

"Alright then-" Nezu said, "-I checked on our little troublemaker earlier and found that he had escaped." 


"Trust me, Shota, I was just as surprised as you; sadly, the security footage gets us no closer to finding the culprit," Nezu said pulling up the security footage on the TV. "Someone with an invisibility quirk must have snuck in and released him without opening the door." 

Aizawa watched the footage noticing the ender pearl and the sound of glass breaking. "It's not a quirk but a potion our guests are able to create," Aizawa said. 

"How do you this?" Nezu asked interested in what the teacher had to say.

"A couple of weeks back when they were training a couple of them used potions to win the fights and one of them happened to make the person invisible," Aizawa explained. "However they also used the small round thing but I don't know what it's called." 

Nezu sipped on his tea for a moment, "That helped to narrow down our suspects but it doesn't clear up who it could possibly be." 

"I have a few people in mind," Aizawa said thinking. 

"Do tell!" 

"Dream used to be friends with George and Sapnap so it's most likely they would help him out.  Drista is his sister so she's also on the board however she doesn't seem like the type to do things quietly so things would've to be planned ahead of time with her. There's also Techno who owed him a favor, there's also a few others but I have nothing to link them to Dream." 

"You have quite the array of suspects if you wish I could give you the day to interview them," Nezu offered. 

"No thanks I rather use this time to teach my students without having to worry about some fight breaking out in the middle of class." 

"It's great seeing you so invested in the student's education-" Nezu said happily," -You can go now." Aizawa then got up and left. While walking down the hallway Mineta came running up from behind him holding Foolish Jr. 

"Mr.Aizawa can you please take the baby back to class," Mineta asked.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Aizawa asked annoyed.

"Because while peed on me and now I have to go change," The purple-haired pervert explained pointing to the huge wet stain on his shirt. Aizawa took Foolish Jr and the diaper bag. "Be back in class within the next two hours or you'll be expelled," he said harshly before walking away.

(At Jaku General Hospital)

 Ranboo sat on the bed staring out the window his mind so deep in his thoughts that he couldn't even hear All Might calling for him, it wasn't until he felt a hand on his arm did he jumped and turned his head. 

"Are you alright?" All Might asked looking Ranboo in the eyes causing him to turn away due to discomfort. 

"I'm fine just really wanna get this test over and done with," Ranboo said calmly. 

"Don't worry The doctor said all he wants is to do a few scans shouldn't take longer than a few hours," All Might said reassuring the shy boy. 

"Okay," Ranboo said keeping his eyes fixated outside. A nurse then appeared in the room's doorway. "Mr.Beloved Dr. Tsubasa is ready to perform the test now," She said happily. Ranboo stood up and walked out the door with All Might following behind. 

"I'm sorry but Dr. Tsubasa has asked that only Mr. Beloved come and no one else," She said. "You are however welcome to stay in the room."

All Might nodded unable to argue, "Rember if you don't feel comfortable with a test just tell them to stop." Ranboo nodded and followed the nurse down the many hallways fear building up more and more with every step he took, feeling like a sheep being led to the slaughter. The Nurse led Ranboo up to a red door that had caught symbols on it.

"Go right in and sit down," She said opening the door. Ranboo walked in the nurse following close behind with a loud click.

(Back at UA hours later) 

Asui and Momo tiredly pushed the stroller toward the mansion, while Michael and Foolish Jr happily licked the powdered sugar and cake batter. off their hands and clothes. "Who knew these kids could be so tricky, how does Tubbo do it?" Momo said. 

"I told them not to turn their back on the kids," Asui said. "It was only a matter of time before they pulled the curtains down." Just as they turned the corner Aizawa and Tubbo appeared at the same time. Tubbo jumped into mother mode when he saw his son dirty. 

"Omg, what did you guys do?"  Tubbo asked picking up Michael. 

"Denki and Kirishima thought it was a good idea to bake a cake with the kids," Momo said.

"Why did you clean them up?" Aizawa asked

Asui then held up the diaper bag that was covered in varying paint colors, "We didn't want to ruin the diapers inside," She said putting the bag back under the stroller. 

"No worries I'm sure Ranboo will be happy to give our son a lava bath after Foolish cleans him," Tubbo said putting Micheal back in the stroller. "Don't go causing in my trouble you two!"

Asui and Momo continued towards the mansion while Tubbo and Aizawa walked to the front gate. 

"I can't wait to see him feels like years since he was last here," Tubbo said happily. 

"It's only been a couple days and honestly I think he should've stayed a bit longer considering he was on his death bed when he left," Aizawa said before pulling out his viberating phone. "All Might just texted they're pulling up to the gate now." Tubbo kicked into high gear and ran towards the gate excitedly and just in time to see the taxi pull up. 

Ranboo got out of the car and started walking towards the now open gate, Tubbo being happy jumped into his husbands arms. "RANBOO!" Tubbo shouted happily. 

Ranboo looked at the goat boy in his arms for a moment before repling, "Hey there um" Ranboo had to think for a moment. 

"It's Tuboo" the goat boy answered a little worried. "You okay?"

"Yeah just tired from the last test," He said smiling at his husband. Tubbo accepted this answer, "Michael is gonna be over the moon when he sees you," He said leading Ranboo back to the mansion.

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