Chapter 33

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(A bit of explaining later)

Everyone was gathered in the living room, sitting in silence as Drista, Jschlatt, Punz, and Purple tried to understand the whole situation. At the same time, Micheal and Foolish Jr chewed on bread.

"So we're trapped here?" Punz asked.

"At the moment, yes," Ghostbur said.

"And those kids in class 1A are a bunch of Asshole who pushed Ranboo into a pool and also dared to step between Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap's relationship," Jschlatt said.

"Yes," Quackity said.

"Also, you guys have been messing with them by having them think Dream is abusing Tommy and that you're all on uneasy terms," Drista finished.

"Pretty much," Dream said.

"Sooooo I can mess with them," Drista said with a huge smile. "Yes, but you have to wait till they do something to you so it doesn't look like you're the one causing problems," Sapnap explained.

"Probably won't take too long, considering Mineta is into sexual harassment," Niki said.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, so in the class, theirs this boy with purple balls on his head-"

"Wait, did you just say he had purple balls on his head?" Jschlatt asked, confused.

"Yeah, these balls stick to anything they touch that isn't his skin," Niki explained. "He calls it pop off."

"Ewww," Jschlatt said disgustedly. "Trust me, I had the same reaction when I met him he stared at me with his perverted eyes," Niki said as a shiver went down his spine.

"Mineta is not a pervert, Niki. He's a young man with strong hormones," Puffy said.

"Puffy, he grabbed your breast when he first saw you," Ghostbur said.

"Sounds pretty pervy to me," Sam said as his mask hung around his neck. There was then a knock at the door. "Oh shit, that must be Aizawa! Quick, everyone gets into character," Dream said.

"Wait, I don't have a character," Drista said.

"Just do what you think a god of chaos would do," Dream responded, not realizing his mistake. Quackity grabbed a bottle of strong alcohol along with a bottle of colored water and ran over to Jschlatt, who proceeded to put a little around his neck and even drank a little alcohol to make sure the smell would be on his breath. While everyone else just put on their serious, happy, or sad faces.

Techno walked up to the door and opened it, greeting, Midnight, Aizawa, and Nezu. "Oh, Hey, what's up?" Techno said.

"Hello, Techno; we're here to speak to our new guest," Nezu said. Techno nodded and let them in, they walked into the living room and they sat on the couch since it was a large L-shaped one. "Hello there, I'm Principle Nezu," Nezu said, looking towards the new guest.

"*hic* Did that polar bear just fucking talk?" Jschlatt said before taking a big drink from the colored water as the UA staff watched, believing he was drinking alcohol. "Alcohol isn't allowed on school premises," Aizawa said.

Jschlatt looked at Aizawa and flipped him off, "Fuck off, man; I live here now, so deal with it." Midnight became annoyed and about to kick his ass when Aizawa grabbed her hand, signaling for her not to get involved. "Can we please get your names?" Aizawa asked, pulling out a notepad.

"I'll go first since I'm best," he said. "I'm Jschlett, President of Manburge."

Aizawa was surprised to hear that name, 'Didn't they say he died? How is he here and alive?' he thought, but before he could say anything, Quackity spoke up from the kitchen.

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