Chapter 31

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Philza looked at the ground and messed with the small golden ring on his finger for a minute before answering, "Tubbo is fine...kind of, but this is about Ranboo-" Philza took a final breath and spoke. "His heart stopped." Aizawa and Nezu both looked at the winged man in both worry and horror.

"Is he doing better or?" Aizawa said

"Worse, honestly, fever has gone up, he stopped breathing at one point, and now he's gasping for air-" Philza explained, "-I don't think he's gonna make it till the end of the day."

"Did you go see Recovery Girl?" Nezu asked

"It happened late at night, and most of us know CPR, and well, we tried other tings, might have just inhaled too much water and caused server internal injury; at this point we need to prepare his grave," Philza said unable to even look the men in the face anymore.

"Aizawa, please go with Recovery girl to the mansion and call me when she decides the next steps," Nezu said. "And please send the other's away. You can go to Philza." Philza nodded and walked out of the room and back to the mansion. When Aizawa walked out, Ser and Mina quickly confronted him, "Mr.Aizawa, is it true Ranboo is dying?" Mina asked

"That's what it looks like," Aizawa responded

"Aren't they supposed to have three lives so technically he's not gonna die," Sero said.

"What if Ranboo is on his last life?" Mina said, "One for the water and one for the heart attack." Sero stopped and felt his heart sink as he realized he might have killed a man, even if it was an accident. He then became scared at the thought of what Tubbo would do to him if Ranboo died. Mina then smacked Sero kicking him out of deep thought.

"Huh, What?"

"Sero, you okay?" Mina asked

"Yeah, just thinking about a funeral," Sero said

"Don't think about that Ranboo isn't gonna die!" Mina said annoyed

"I meant my own funeral Tubbo is gonna beat me to death," Sero said nervously, imagining Tubbo standing over him with a blood sword. Mina rolled her eyes and dragged Sero to the classroom.


Philza walked Aizawa and Recvovry girl up the stairs and into the room. Tubbo had his head on Ranboo's chest, his tired eyes fighting to stay open. Ranboo lay on his back, gasping for air. Recovery girl shook her head, upset to see how sick Ranboo looked. She pulled out her stethoscope, "Sit him up. I wanna hear his heart and lungs."

Tubbo nodded and sat Ranboo up with the help of Aizawa. She first checked his heart, noting how fast it was beating, then checked his lungs. Ranboo then began to cough violently to the point of gagging. Tubbo grabbed a cloth and cleaned the saliva off Ranboo's mouth before his eyes opened, revealing his clouded red and green eyes.

"Ranboo, are you okay?" Tubbo asked worriedly.

Ranboo didn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to lean sideways, nearly falling off the bed, but Tubbo and Aizawa caught him. Recovery girl listened to his lungs, noting what sounded like popping. "He needs to go the hospital," Recovery Girl said without hesitation.

"Are you sure?" Aizawa asked

Recovery girl walked Aizawa and Philza out into the hallway so Tubbo won't hear, "Ranboo has water in his lungs. He's basically drowning in his own body. However, it's not too late for treatment. If he gets to the hospital, they can increase his chance of survival," Recovery girl explained.

"If saves his life, then I'm all for it," Philza said

"What if the league or, god forbid, the press finds out about Ranboo? It'll be putting everyone's lives at risk," Aizawa protested.

"Aizawa, are you suggesting we let this boy die just because you wanna protect your students who have already put their lives in danger multiple times and for stupider reasons?"

"No, I'm worried about the others in this house. What if the league shows up?"

"Aizawa, we can handle ourselves. Trust me; we've all been in worse situations than anything you can imagine," Philza said.

Aizawa sighed, "Fine, I'll call an ambulance,"

"Great, I'll go tell Nezu about what's going on," Recovery girl said as Aizawa followed her outside while Philza stayed in the house. Philza walked back up the stairs and looked at Tubbo joyfully, "Hey Tubbo, I have great news-" Philza said, walking over to him, "-They're taking Ranboo to a hospital. They say it'll increase his chance of survival."

Tubbo jumped up joyfully, "REALLY, so Ranboo's gonna live." The once grief-stricken boy was now up in the air, overjoyed with the news. He began packing a bag with stuff so he wouldn't get bored while waiting for Ranboo to wake up.

(A few minutes later)

Tubbo and Sam, carrying Ranboo, walked towards the front gate where Aizawa and All Might awaited them. Aizawa noticed how big Tubbo's book bag was, "What's in the bag?" he asked.  

"Oh, just a few books and stuff so I won't be bored while waiting for Ranboo to wake up," Tubbo explained happily.

"Uh..Tubbo, you're not going. I'm going with Ranboo," All Might explained. Tubbo felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, "But he's my husband," Tubbo said softly.

"We know, but there's gonna be a lot of new things, and it's best that someone who's used to hospitals go; this is also to avoid any unwanted information leaks," Aizawa explained.

Tubbo understood their reasoning, but he couldn't help but still cry about being separated from Ranboo, but he took a breath and claimed himself. "Okay, just let me know if he wakes up alright," Tubbo said. 

"you'll be the first person to know, but I need to ask something?" All Might said, "Does Ranboo have a quirk?"

Tubbo and Sam looked at each other, "We already mentioned on our first day here no one has a quirk," Sam said.

"That's not true Sapnap can use fire, and Charlie something, and Tommy-" All Might said before Sam cut him off.

"Charlie and Sapnap are hybrids, while what Tommy did was the same thing any of us can do," Sam explained.

"Ranboo is also a hybrid, right? Then what's his ability?" Aizaawa asked

"Probably teleportation, but I have never seen him do it," Tubbo explained.

"Good enough," Aizawa said.

An ambulance then pulled up, and Sam placed Ranboo on the stretcher while All Might climbed in, "What hospital?" The paramedic asked.

"Jaku General," All Might replied as they closed the back doors and drove off. Tubbo watched with a broken heart before trying to run after the ambulance; however, Aizawa wrapped Tubbo up and dragged him back onto campus while Tubbo kicked and screamed.

A/N- TODAYS the last day of college, Hell ya. Also I'm releasing the Quackity x Wilbur story this Thursday so look out for that.

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