Chapter 27

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Mina rushed into the girls changing room, nearly breaking the door down in the process. "Mina, what's going on?" Momo asked. 

"You guys have to see this picture I took!"

The girls crowded around her phone in both shock and anger at what they saw. "Oh my, is that?" Momo asked in shock.

"Yeah, it's Sapnap cheating on Karl with Quackity!" Mina said angirly


(Just a few minutes earlier)

After running to the dorms to grab her swimsuit, Mina was rushing back to the changing room. As she rushed back, she saw Sapnap pining Quackity to a tree. Mina quickly hide behind a wall and listened in to their conversation.

Sapnap held Quackity's hands above his head while his other hand wrapped around Quackity's lower back, pulling his body closer.

"Man, how long has it been since the last time we've had privacy like this," Sapnap said, leaning closer to Quackity's face.

"Between las novadas and coming here, it's been a loooooooong time," Quackity said before Sapanap started kissing him passionately. Mina's jaw dropped at this as she pulled out her phone, 'I have to show Karl that Sapnap is cheating on him,' she thought as she took the picture. However, Mina forgot her flash was on, causing Sapnap to jump back when he saw it.

"Something wrong Dear?" Quackity asked.

"I think someone took a picture," He said.

After Mina's soul returned to her body, she took off back to the changing room to show all the girls.

"I'm sure it was nothing!" Quackity said, pulling Sapnap's face back to his. "where's my love?" Karl asked jokingly as he sat behind the tree, trying to fix the hole in his shirt. Sapnap and Quackity looked at each other before launching themselves at Karl and drowning him in kisses.

"You guys are too much!" Karl said, laughing.


"What do we do?" Uraraka asked

"What do you mean?" Hagakure asked angirly, "We tell Karl his boyfriend is cheating!"

"I'm not sure we should do that," Sui said

"ASUI!" Hagakure said upset

"Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against cheating, but we don't know these guys well enough. What if they're in a polyamorous relationship?" Sui defended.

"Yeah, a totally one-sided poly relationship!" Hagahure said sarcastically

"Poor Karl, he must have zero clue about this," Momo said, feeling bad for him.

"We have to tell him tonight!" Jiro said

"Totally!" Mina agreed loudly

"What do you think, Puffy?" Asui said

All the girls turned to the sheep lady, "I don't know anything about their relationship, but Sapnap is a very caring guy with lots of love to share, so I can't see him cheating, but it's also not our place to say anything."

"But isn't cheating bad, and if you know about it, shouldn't we tell him!" Mina argued

"Yes, but-" Puffy said


"Jeez, the girls are being louder than usual," Denki said, pointing out the noise increase.

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